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  1. TaxNumber type field

    Contact entity has a field to store Tax number type (EIN, SSN, ITIN and ATIN). This field is accessible via UI or in exported csv file, but not accessible via API, while "Tax Number" itself can be read using API.

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  2. Override tax amount of line items in Bank Transactions endpoint

    Since overriding of line item's tax amount is possible in Invoices endpoint, same capability should also be possible in BankTransactions endpoint.

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  3. Exposing organization's timezone in ISO 8601 format

    Currently Xero API exposes the timezone via Organisation endpoint as text eg. <Timezone>NEWZEALANDSTANDARDTIME</Timezone>

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  4. Inventory items webhooks

    Many thanks for adding Invoice/Contact webhooks. We'd love to get inventory items to be the next cab off the rank.

    Syncing stock for tracked items is what we're trying to achieve. So if we could be told when inventory items have changed, specifically in terms of QuantityOnHand.

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  5. Bank rules in the API

    Please allow me to list, get, post, and delete bank rules in the API. We manage several Organizations and we're copying around these rules by hand right now. It's annoying, expensive, and prone to mistakes. I'd LOVE to just write a script to do it.

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  6. Expose the Online quotes URL via the Xero API

    Be able to retrieve the online quotes URL via the Xero API as you already can for invoices (

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  7. Send <Payments> together with <Invoice>

    We invoice just upon payment, so it would be nice to be able to send <Payments> together with <Invoice>, when creating it, so we don't need to do two separate calls for it.

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  8. add line item ids to manual journal lines on GET and POST successful responses

    this will make it possible to keep local data linked to manual journal lines up to date and in sync with changes made in xero

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  9. Trigger e-Invoice via API

    We create invoices in Xero using Custom Connector for a number of customers, depending on customer requirements after creating the invoice we either trigger the email of the invoice (as per or bring a copy of the invoice PDF back to the customers other system for sending from there.

    Now that e-Invoicing has been introduced in NZ our customers want to start sending invoices as eInvoices but this can't be achieved via the API currently.

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  10. integrate batch payment export into a banks payment system

    I believe it is possible to export a batch payment file for subsequent import into your internet banking solution. It would create efficiencies to build outward direct bank feeds to set up payments on Bills. Then make it available via the API to set due/ payment dates and create payment batches.

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  11. API report Sales by Item

    Provide API to get report Sales By Item. because it will help to analyse sales by Item (Product). Now we can generate the report but I don't see API to get report data as other financial report.

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  12. Increase the limit of API calls

    It would be great if the limit of API calls is increased. That way we can make more requests to Xero and not have the connection destabilise. This affects our customer experience as our customers ask us always

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  13. Expose reversal information in Journal endpoint

    Problem: if a Journal is reversed, Journal.SourceId may point to an invoice whose LineItems do not correspond to JournalLines.

    Proposed Solution: If a Journal is a reversal, expose the number of reversed journal via API, e.g.


    When it is useful: in the simplest scenario, when Invoice's LineItem is edited, the original Journal corresponding to the Invoice is reverted and new one is created. We end up with three Journals: Journal1 and Journal2 cancel each other, Journal3 reflects (the new version of) the invoice. Unfortunately, all three Journals have SourceID pointing to the (now modified) invoice. Consequently,…

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  14. Create a transition plan for Reports via the API

    Xero will be retiring the old reports on July 31. By retiring the old reports, you also retire the only place where subscribers can affect the layout of the Profit and Loss report retrieved via the API. However, to date, you offer no replacement and no transition plan to your subscribers or developers.

    We use the Reports endpoint to retrieve data needed for our internal reporting. If not for the API, we'd be pulling and formatting seven reports to compile our monthly reporting. Today, if we add a new account or need to change the layout for the P&L retrieved…

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  15. use consistent response structures

    The addition of reporting a contact's balances was a great addition, however I feel the response structure should be consistent, regardless of balances. Where any balances are $0, this should be reported as $0, instead of being removed. By removing the key, we are left only being able to test for the absence of data, which creates an assumptive logic.

    I understand that removing keys for null values might be part of your api design (ie no email address entered doesn't return an empty <EmailAddress>, but technically, a customer always has a balance so there for the Balances data should…

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  16. Provide CreatedDateUTC

    Provide CreatedDateUTC element so invoices, manual journals etc can be filtered using the new element in similar way like UpdatedDateUTC

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  17. Apply same invoice due date logic like in the UI

    When creating invoices via Xero UI, contact and organization default due date rules are applied, which is great!
    But when creating invoices via API, due date field is left blank unless it's explicitly set in the API request. All this nice logic of applying contact and organization due date, in that order, is skipped for API created invoices, resulting in a rather inconsistent UX for end users.

    And to "use" that feature of Xero, each API application would need to reimplement same logic that Xero UI already has.

    I think keeping parity between UI and API would be very good…

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  18. Allow the full UTF8 character set in Contact Names

    Names containing accented characters, eg: Nuñez, are rejected when uploading a new Contact.

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  19. Return linked Tenant ID in the auth response

    When a user has access to multiple Xero accounts it would be great to know the Tenant ID of the account they linked in the auth response.

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  20. unlock reconciled transactions so that updates can be made via API

    Currently, you can update reconciled transactions in Xero. However, reconciled transactions are locked (read-only) and can't be updated via the API. Users want to be able to update reconciled transactions via the API (add descriptions, change accounts, etc.).

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