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SDKs / wrapper libraries

12 results found

  1. Publish transition document from XeroAPI.Net to Xero-Net

    We have coded our interface to Xero using the XeroAPI wrapper.

    I am keen to use the new wrapper but have no idea how many changes I would have to make to switch over. Basically i am happy with XeroAPI but want Paged queries for Invoices.

    I'd like a document with some code examples that outlined the differences so that I can decide what effort would be required to switch over.

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  2. Validation Errors: important additional info isn't provided

    Can you rewrite logic about ValidationException handling?
    For example, if several invoices will be posted to Xero and one cause validation error, no way to understand which invoice caused the error.

    Xero.Api.Infrastructure.Http.XeroHttpClient -> HandleErrors:

    var data = JsonMapper.From<ApiException>(response.Body);

    Here error response provides detailed information about who and why caused the errors.
    But during deserialization it just takes all validation messages and saves them to array without any other really important information.

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  3. Add the US Payroll Timeoffrequests to the Xero-Net SDK

    I would like to have the US Payroll Timeoffrequest added to the Xero-Net SDK like the Australian Model has.

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  4. Official Perl Library

    Originally I started using the CPAN Net::Xero module but found that while I could get things working that this was difficult to work with.
    I have started trying to create a more comprehensive library ( ) which I would like to evolve to the point of being officially supported. I expect to draw on the DTD specs to create object representations of the Xero objects and continue to refine the implementation to level comparable with that of other platforms.
    If I continue to refine this implementation would Xero consider including in their list of SDK's - if so what…

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  5. Grails plugin, Yes Please!

    Grails is the Rails for Java developers. Making a Xero Plugin for Grails would open up a ton of new SaaS companies for you as customers who want to integrate their SaaS grails application billing right into Xero. Like me! :D

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  6. Support for retrieving files from a specific folder

    In the API documentation, under the Files API, it describes the ability to retrieve a list of files from a specified folder, e.g.


    This functionality doesn't seem to be currently supported on the Net or NetStandard libraries.

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  7. Update JAVA SDK java version and libraries

    Lots of the dependencies in the JAVA client are years out of date and cause conflicts that make it extremely difficult to work with.

    One example being javax/ws/rs/core/UriBuilder

    Which was deprecated for jakarta in 2018. Also the client leverages old Java SDK and should be refreshed to use JDK 21. There is a PR for the code to be updated to 17 which should also be reviewed an merged ASAP.

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  8. Make .Net class to partial classes

    Make .Net classes to partial classes so we can take it to the next level like putting MVC validations or making new constractors to help us with the missing enums, etc.

    thanks in advance

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  9. 2 votes

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  10. Issue on Put method for creating a tracking option - Python

    I want to create a tracking option ((i.e) Add tracking option) under the respective tracking category, using Xero tracking category API for my organisation. But while creating data using 'put' Requests method, it is not creating.

    I am using the below condition in python:

    response = requests.put(url=url, auth=oauth, data=xml_string)

    I want to know, what is the format for the data to be updated in the requests, for both content type xml/text and application/json.

    xml_string and url, I given is below:

    url = '{Tracking

    where Tracking_Category='620815a2-a7c6-4b85-8b01-ffb254ab34ad'

    Error: <ApiException xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">\r\n <ErrorNumber>500</ErrorNumber>\r\n <Type>UnknownErrorException</Type>\r\n <Message>An error occurred in Xero.…

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  11. PaymentServices

    what will paramets for /PaymentServices api

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  12. Bugfix for C# SDK - Journal endpoint is missing page

    A simple fix maybe - you do not seem to have implemented Page() on the JOURNAL endpoint in C#. The other endpoints all have it - and offset is a little mysterious.

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