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Payroll API

61 results found

  1. Allow return of Paystubs/Payslips in pdf format

    It indicates you can do this for Invoices by setting the “Accept” value in the http header to “application/pdf”. I want the same functionality for the Paystubs/Payslips

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  2. be able to overwrite timesheets via the API

    There is no way to delete Approved timesheets or revert them to Draft through the API. Sending a timesheet that already exists returns a message from Xero saying that the TimesheetID needs to be supplied as the timesheet already exists. Supplying the TimesheetID then returns a message saying that the timesheet is not in Draft. Another option would be to let the user revert multiple timesheets to Draft (in a similar way to how they can approve multiple timesheets at once).

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  3. Employee photo and emergency contact information using API

    I would like to add Employee photo and emergency contact information using API , in API documentation, there is no field/tag to upload employee photo and emergency contact . Please add this feature as well.


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  4. Payslip endpoint is missing fields

    Payslip endpoint seems to be incomplete e.g. YTD data?

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  5. Payroll AU API - Unscheduled Payruns & Payslips

    After creating an unscheduled payrun via the Payroll AU API when you get the payrun it returns an array of payslips where the employee id and payrun id do not exist (the only fields returned are FirstName, LastName & UdatedDateUTC). If you then proceed into the xero admin (in the browser) and view the payrun you can then click to include an employee. Returning back to the API if you retrieve the payrun again the employee id and payrun id are then set for that employees payslip entry.

    We also tried creating approved timesheets for employees before the unscheduled payrun…

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  6. Employees endpoint: expose more data

    Expose other information on Employees endpoint, such as their bank, rate and tax details

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  7. Allow querying payslips of an employee

    Please provide a way to fetch payslips by employee id.

    Either adding a payslips element to Employees or providing a Payrolls API will do.

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  8. Payrun Payslip Results Paging

    In terms of what you have done around the Invoices paging, but now including all the line items, Do you have any plans to do something similar with the Payroll/payrun endpoint? Eg at the moment, I can get a payrun with a list of payslips on them, but I then have to make a call for each payslip to get the details of the payslip.

    If I have a PayRun with 100 Payslips, using the C# Wrapper, certainly, I have to make 100 calls to get all the details from the API, so that I can get the EarningsLines and…

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  9. Webhooks for time off events

    It would be nice to be able to hook into the leave events, requested, accepted, rejected etc.

    My use case for this is automatically adding leave requests to a calendar, and updating existing ones when their status changes.

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  10. Allow retrieval of a payment summary

    Also known as a group certificate, in Australia at the end of financial year employees need to be given a payment summary.

    To my knowledge this is not yet possible in Xero API. It would be great if this was added.

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  11. API Access to Public Holidays

    Xero lets you define public holidays, assign them to holiday groups, and assign a holiday group to an employee. I'd really like to be able to:

    • Retrieve the list of holiday groups and holidays defined for each.
    • Include the name of the assigned holiday group for each employee when retrieving the list of employees.
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  12. Filter list of Timesheets by Status and/or Modification Date

    I want to retrieve a list of unprocessed timesheets.

    In the Australian Payroll API you can filter the list of timesheets you retrieve by modification date, so you don't get 1000s of historical timesheets.

    However, in the New Zealand Payroll API this is not possible.
    Please add the ability to filter the list of timesheets by either status or modification date.

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  13. Include a link to the LeaveType (LeaveTypeID) for Payslips LeaveEarningsLines

    This applies to Payroll AU API (but possibly opthers).

    Currently, payslips include LeaveEarningsLines that allow you to see how much leave was paid out to an employee as wages.

    However, this is missing the crucial LeaveTypeID. This makes it impossible to pull a payslip and identify which leave the user actual took.

    It then forces you to look at LeaveApplications but there is no direct link between the two to help youj identify which leave relate to which payslip line.

    This needs to be added in order to allow reconciling.

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  14. Allow the employee endpoint to re-instate an employee.

    The basic method to terminate an employee is to set their termination date. However to re-instate an employee requires accessing the web-interface and choosing the re-instate button.
    As far as I can tell, this only removes the termination date from the employee record. It should be possible to remove that value in the API to allow re-instatement easily.

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  15. Implement Deduction Pay Template API (in UK).

    Implement the API for the input of Deduction Pay Templates in the UK API. This will allow automated bulk import from systems generating external deductions. Ideally, do this on a multi-employee basis, so that a single call will allow for the update of multiple employees. This feature appears to be available in NZ & AUS APIs already.

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  16. Allow leave applications to be created in a "requested" state

    It's recently become possible to view all leave application irrespective of their state, but it's only possible to create leave requests in with a "scheduled" status. It'd be very useful if the API could be used for an employee to create a leave request.

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  17. 9 votes

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  18. Expose the Employee's Status in the Payroll API

    The Employees endpoint in the NZ Payroll API returns all Employees of the Organisation. There is no way to distinguish between the "current" Employees and "old/former" Employees.

    This means any UI showing the Employees includes everybody rather than just the current Employees. Where the user should only be selecting "current" Employees we should be able to provide them a drop down that is limited to the valid choices!

    This is not currently possible because the API does not expose the status of the Employee.

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  19. Expose detailed Employee taxes

    The Xero Payroll UI shows detailed the Employee Taxes in Paystub/payslip such as Federal Income, SSN, Medicare, State Withholding etc.

    However the Paystubs API only returns the total of that taxes

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  20. keypay

    One of my clients moved to KeyPay integrated with Xero in February, as we have to pay over 200 employees per month.

    I've just found out, because I ran an activity statement for March and it didn't show any W1 or W2, that the Xero API prevents KeyPay from posting wages and PAYG accordingly! Pretty useless, that! And I can't even run a report in Xero as it doesn't show in there either.

    As I've just discovered this, it means I've also under-reported the February W1 and W2 to the ATO so I'll have to amend it. And run reports…

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