Payroll API
Now that Australian Xero organisations have a full payroll application within Xero, it would be great to expose functionality such as timesheets, payrun details etc via the API. Some work will need to be done to connect this to the Xero API and we need to implement special permissions to only allow access for specific users and applications.
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The Xero Payroll API is now available – see for full details
Vijay commented
I am not able to see, it shows not found error
Mark White commented
Xero, can we have an update on when the Payroll API might be coming?
Marcus van Enk commented
Is this available yet?
Nicholas Riley commented
The ability to have an API to return leave information would be great so we don't need to double handle it and can just display who's on leave in our intranet system. This will then assist with target reporting (targets related to staff on hand) and also with scheduling work in.
Functionality wise pass in a date (now), duration (7,14,21, 28 days) and return a list of who's away for that period.
{result:[{name:'John Smith',duration:40, startdate:'04/03/2013',enddate:'08/03/2013'}]}for our purpose we don't need to know why/what the leave is for, but I guess some people might so good to return in the API and up to implementation to determine if suitable to show (privacy reasons?).
Rory Birkbeck commented
A comment from one of our clients "However due to the nature of our staff hours which vary from week to week and therefore the inability to set standard pay runs it would be a step backwards to manually enter timesheets to Xero Payroll."
Wayne Robinson commented
Please put me on the list of early-access to this API. Need to get it into at some point. :-)
Anonymous commented
Pulling out the upcoming leave would be ideal for our management systems and display screens in the office. So the team can see who is going away.
Reb commented
Time billing/consulting environment:
-consultant records timesheet
-timesheet info used to generate customer invoice
-customer pays invoice
-consultant gets paid agreed amount per invoice (after customer payment received)
-need to record which invoices they have been paid against. (prevent us double paying the contractor) -
Matthew Schinckel commented
I'd like to be able to fetch the list of EarningsRates, and the list of TimesheetCategories for a logged in company, probably even for the specific employee.
Currently, I'm going to have to get users to transcribe data from Xero to our system in order to be able to post timesheets.
Is there currently an API for this? Is there likely to be?
Rob King commented
I feel the Employee portal should provide timesheet recording, and the API should allow posting of the same data. Need to provide access to the employee, period, earning rate and tracking category. and be able to post accordingly. Post a draft timesheet to be approved via the UI.
The logical first step would be to get time records into the employee portal and then open up the API as the publishing process would be the same.
Aaron Geiser commented
Using Assembla to track time per project. We've integrated with Assembla's API to import billable items into our billing system. These billable items are then converted into invoices and sent to the client. All invoices and payments are synced with Xero via the APIs.
The missing piece is payroll integration. Currently this is done manually via Assembla. It would be nice to be able to integrate the Xero Payroll function with Assembla. Add payable items to an employee timesheet and let Xero handle the payrun.
Anonymous commented
We track employee hours in our Nucleus Logic business platform that allows us to track employee productivity against manufacturing , wholesale , sales activity etc. we have developed a simple clock in and clock out time clock. All we want the API to do is drag employee files over to nucleus and push back time clock hours to the pay cycles so that we don't have to manually key the hours into the Xero payroll.. We are happy to release our time clock free of charge for all Xero users to use..
Jan vydra
Nucleus Logic -
Brendan Knowles commented
We track employee time, so the obvious use case for us is to copy these hours across to help facilitate payroll
Richard commented
If you're after the small guys like us it might be a good idea to talk to Medicare about their superannuation clearing house (no I don't know why Medicare was chosen for that either).
It would also be great if you could leave a comment giving us some info on the type of functionality you would like to see - what are your use cases?
Anonymous commented
I would love to see this as well. It'd be really cool to be able to integrate our WFM system directly into Payroll.