Integrate with ace payroll
Integrate with ace payroll:

Helen Pennington commented
can anyone tell me if it is an easy process to migrage/export Xero payroll to Ace ?
Anonymous commented
So no progress on this...the CSV file import from Xero shows their complete lack of understanding of the information needed ... poor customer focus when there is a very real opportunity for Xero to pick up many mnay simple payrolls from ACE
Anonymous commented
I agree, I am not prepared to change from Ace Payroll, however, the integration of the two would be fantastic.
Bernice Lo commented
yes we would like ace payroll to integrate with xero
Anonymous commented
Would agree with everyone below - hae been using ACE for over 20 years now. Have tried a couple of others along the way as we've looked at other accounting systems (which by the way we never changed either until 6 months ago). ACE integration would be the icing on the cake for us!
Alison Langdon commented
I would also love to see Ace and Xero talking. Would make life a lot easier.
William commented
I would love to see Ace and Xero work together, it will be the final piece in our accounting puzzle
Sylvie Eymin commented
I think this will be fine because i intend to use Xero with ACE Payroll...
Jo Jago commented
Ace Payroll rocks. Xero rocks. Pitty they don't rock 'n roll together. Fingers crossed for a speedy resolution to this problem ....
Anonymous commented
I would like to see xero and ace payroll intergrated also
Petro commented
Would love to see Ace Payroll integrated with Xero. Find it strange that there is so little requests seeing that Ace Payroll is one of the biggest payroll packages out there.
Jo Jago commented
Ace Payroll is one of the very best systems around, and I would love to see it intergrated with Xero.