Harvest timesheets integrate with Xero payroll
I use Harvest to time track and would like to pay staff based on the hours that they log.

Alan Turner commented
The need to manually re-enter timesheets from Harvest into Xero for staff payment is a massive source of frustration. Another missing piece, which is less annoying due to the reduced volume, is marking invoices as "paid" in Harvest when reconciled in Xero.
If either Harvest or Xero could fix this, it would make the combination a lot more useful.
Anonymous commented
desperately in need of this function as our office keeps growing!
Geoff Bowers commented
+1 for extending harvest integration to include timesheet syncing
David Kidston commented
This would be awesome.
Anonymous commented
Any news on whether this is going to happen? or are we forced to use WorkFlow Max?
Ari Moor commented
Yes, I second that. and Third it. I manage two companies with both Xero and Harvest. Push come to shove, Harvest will win every time. Maning, we won't switch out of Harvest.