Peter McCarroll
My feedback
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Peter McCarroll shared this idea ·
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Peter McCarroll supported this idea ·
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Peter McCarroll supported this idea ·
69 votes
It is certainly a nice idea in a lot of ways, and Jesse’s use case example is good one.
On the other side, allowing 3rd party applications plug into the core Xero application present some quite major security implications. The data we hold on behalf of our customers is considered highly sensitive by us and we ensure we have bank level security across all aspects of our application.
Second to that, we are a design lead and focused company – we want our software to be really easy to use and remain simple and intuitive, so allowing 3rd parties to introduce interface elements into Xero would be something we would need to carefully plan for.
With this in mind, it would be quite an onerous task for us to implement a secure framework that would allow 3rd party applications to interface within Xero, in a sensible way that does not…
Peter McCarroll supported this idea ·
2,440 votes
Public API PM responded
Peter McCarroll supported this idea ·
For those interested in processing pre-authorised Direct Debit or Credit Card transactions based on your Xero invoice due date please check out [url=]uCollect[/url].
Right now (Dec 2014) it has facilities for Direct Debits for NZ Banks (BNZ, ANZ, Westpac & ASB), Direct Debits using generic ABA file in Australia, and EziDebit. Coming soon will be Stripe, eDebit, eWAY, SEPA Direct Debits, DPS (NZ) and