Integrate Evernote with Xero
Integrate Evernote with Xero so you can scan & store your invoices, receipts, expenses in evernote and link them to the relevant invoice in Xero - even better if Xero can read the data from evernote stored invoices & create draft invoice in Xero. Vote here to be kept up to date if Evernote do integrate with Xero.

Patrick commented
I would also see the best integration possible combining xero and evernote
David commented
I am not clear about whether this can be done or not at the present time.
If someone could let me know, I would really appreciate it.
FYI - Expensify makes it explicitly clear on their website that you can Integrate Evernote with Expensify
Peter Spencer commented
You can sort of do this already. Right click on a note and select: share > copy shared note URL to clipboard.
The paste the URL into a note at the bottom of a sales/purchase invoice in Xero. Or in the reference field at the top. You could try pasting this as a HTML link.
Joshua Lamont commented
Let's get this happening. Dropbox integration would also be really nice!
Richard Adams commented
Hi Guys, we can already do this for clients using dropbox, box or evernote.
Thinking Cap commented
This would be fantastic functionality and allow us to go paperless.
Sharon commented
Clients are increasingly asking for evernote to be integrated into Xero and to have the functionality to attach a scanned document to a repeating invoice or bank rule transaction.