Allow Paging for Journals GET
make reporting api developer friendly
Backup a Xero account via the API · completed
Include contacts that have been converted to customers (or suppliers) when "If-Modified-Since" filter is applied
Create a transition plan for Reports via the API
Connect multiple Shopify store feeds from one organisation
Integrate Xero API with Microsoft Flow
Paysmart Direct Debit
Publish transition document from XeroAPI.Net to Xero-Net
Reconciliation API
Open up the Pay Run (Global) to the API
Store application data against invoices, payments, credit notes, etc.
Enable copying of purchase orders to bills
put in some integration with Micros Fidelio to import and sync sales data
allow ItemID to be specified when adding line items
Provide superannuation payment data through the API
document api response from POST,PUT and DELETE not only GET. · completed
Notify via email when webhooks is disabled automatically · completed
Provide API to retrieve Customer Invoice Reports
Insurance Quotation Integration - Modern Risk Solutions · declined