Query exchange rate through the API
Add Total Record Count to GET Request Responses
Please provide response types in JSON · completed
use consistent response structures
Google Data Studio Integration
Allow querying the MFA state for users via the API
Support compression in API request / response
Add 'Where' queries to Quotes API
Query webhook status via API
Add ACN to the Contacts API Response · completed
Allow user to connect to multiple organizations at once so we can query across multiple organizations. · completed
Allow querying payslips of an employee
Return linked Tenant ID in the auth response
Simplify Testing - Endpoint to reset all demo account data
Allow the number of remaining API calls to be queried · completed
Allow the Demo Company to be reset without data - like a trial account · not planned
Add read-only access to accounting numbers for use in other systems · completed
add line item ids to manual journal lines on GET and POST successful responses
add line item ids to receipts/expense claims (and credit notes) on GET and POST successful responses
Employees endpoint: expose more data