Employee photo and emergency contact information using API
I would like to add Employee photo and emergency contact information using API , in API documentation, there is no field/tag to upload employee photo and emergency contact . Please add this feature as well.

Stephanie Giovanni commented
Yes - particularly emergency contact details. We are using an API for onboarding and we need to do this part manually for each new employee. The fields should be available for API transfer
Anonymous commented
This is very frustrating for us, having to manually update quite menial data with lots of back and forth with client and their employees. Would save many hours per month
Riley James commented
Yes Please! Without this feature we need to request employees to login to Xero to update this manually (or have the business owner do it).
API would be a much cleaner way to enable better HR & Payroll integrations.
Thanks you
Vincent commented
Please add ability to update Emergency Contacts via the API.
Sameera Ratnaweera commented
Request Emergency Contact details to be added to the XERO API
Anonymous commented
If it provided as soon as possible, the data population would be completely fine
Benjo Rajkumar commented
Please provide this option,It will help us more.
Tharindu Kariyawasam commented
This would really save some time. Please consider providing this feature in the API.
jathevan commented
Please enable the emergency contact elements in Xero API.
Anonymous commented
Please add this, it will save a lot of manual copying that we have to do otherwise
Anonymous commented
Fourth this. Why is this so difficult?
Anonymous commented
I third this request that should be idiotically easy and yet remains ignored.
Anonymous commented
Any update on this one ?
We have a number of customers asking us for this .