expose a unique, persistent identifier for an organisation
While you're at it an identifier for individual users would be great too!
Our latest release includes an Organisation ShortCode: http://developer.xero.com/v2-release-notes/#2.22
For some background info and use cases, check out this community post: https://community.xero.com/developer/discussion/1167775/
Nik Wakelin commented
Yes please!
Our app operates on a "Sync" basis - so we read across all the Organisation's relevant endpoints (Contacts, TaxRates, etc.) and cache them on our end.
Unfortunately, if someone hits "Sync", then Authorizes us (via OAuth) for a different organisation than they did originally, our app blindly reads data from the new organisation - creating a dirty cache that's partially both organisation's data.
If we had a unique Organisation identifier sent with each Organisation record and each request to all the other endpoints, we could avoid this scenario by checking against that identifier each time we sync.
Phew! Complicated but you can see why it would be extremely helpful :)
dic commented
Yes please. This would allow OAuth to take care of all all user/organisation identification eliminating the need for a custom login/user database for each application.