enable sending of Quotes via email, like you do for Invoices
So Invoices has endpoint:
POST https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Invoices/aa682059-c8ec-44b9-bc7f-344c94e1ffae/Email
Could we do the same for Quotes?

Tim Brocklehurst commented
We're an established media business selling ads on our website and in newsletters.
We're building an app to use the Xero API and our adserver API. It will dramatically reduce the human processes required between selling an ad, having it appear on our website and reporting its performance back to the client.
With the Xero API we can gather all information for a new ad from our salespeople, and push it through the createQuotes endpoint to Xero. This will generate the quote there. We now just need the option to send that quote to the Advertiser for them to approve, decline or comment on, in the same way we can now by pressing the 'Send' button on a new quote in the Xero interface.
There is an emailInvoice endpoint, but no emailQuote endpoint. And that is what we need for this, so we can receive the client's approval/decline/comments at Xero.
Alternatively, if we develop the approve/decline/comment functionality ourselves, is there a way the API can post this response back to the relevant quote in Xero? That's more work for us, but it could help us to know if its an option.
Thank you