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Accounting API

Welcome to our official feedback forum for the Xero Developer API.

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18 results found

  1. Notify URL When Stuff Changes in Xero - Webhooks

    I'm requesting "web hooks" for the Xero API.

    Here's how they work: Customer provides a URL ( to Xero, and when something is changed, Xero notifies that URL, perhaps indicating which records have changed.

    The Xero API provides methods that you can query and compare with previous results to see what has changed. However, this is not performant for large data sets, and detecting changes involves a lot of code.

    The competition has it - web hooks are supported by QuickBooks. Let's get them in Xero - it's a superior product in every other way.

    976 votes

    We’re happy to announce that the invoice webhooks work has been completed! We now support both invoice and contact events.
    We know there are lots of other events in Xero that would be useful to you as webhooks. To help us prioritise which ones to focus on next, please create separate suggestions and vote on the ones you’d like to see us implement.

  2. PUT/POST tracking categories and options

    Be able to create tracking options via the API. Also when creating invoices via the API allow the creation of tracking options within Xero's existing tracking groups if they don't exist.

    134 votes
  3. Fixed assets API

    Provide an API for the fixed assets module.

    128 votes

    We’re pleased to announce that the Assets API has now been released:

    Please give it a try and let us know if you have any feedback. This is only the beginning for the Assets API so please add new user voice requests if there are any specific features you’re still after,

    The docs can be found here:


  4. A fully featured JSON API, with no XML requirements whatsoever.

    Title says it all, pure JSON, nothing else. All the same features as the XML one, but at a different endpoint.

    118 votes
  5. Idempotent requests

    At the moment, its rather difficult to recover from a network interruption that happens when you send the request to Xero API, and you loose the connection before you receive the response from Xero. There is a fair number of reasons why this could happen at any time.
    In such a situation you really have no way of knowing if your request was even sent fully, or if it was received by Xero, nor what was Xero's response.

    This is not specific to Xero, as all APIs out there have this same problem, as its simply how the web works.

    87 votes
  6. Reports By Tracking Categories

    Retrieve reports such as P&L, trial balance & budget by tracking category.

    Our customers have requested for the ability to import their tracking categories from Xero into our program for reporting purposes. Any idea when the API will support this?

    (edited by Xero staff for clarity)

    53 votes

    Thanks for your votes everyone. We have released the ability to retrieve the P&L and balance sheet reports by tracking today:

    While budgets by budget (tracking) is available within the main Xero application, we were unable to fit that into this release – we have a new uservoice request thread if you still want to see this feature ( but we hope most of you will find the above sufficient.

  7. Paging Feature for BankTransactions

    Expanding the paging feature (currently only available for Contacts, Journals and Invoices) to other endpoints in particular BankTransactions would create huge functionality and alleviate the API call limits.

    43 votes
  8. Be able to overide a currency rate for an invoice raised in a foreign currency

    In the app you can override the currency rate with your own. Would be great to do this with invoices generated via the API as I get my rates from another provider (ie. not XE)

    28 votes
  9. swagger definition file for Xero API

    This would allow non developers to use Microsoft Power Apps to build custom applications for example

    16 votes
  10. Allow posting to bank accounts via the API

    All that is required is that the Invoice API be changed to allow posting to the bank accounts. Then it will serve as a general transaction import function.

    12 votes
  11. Notify via email when webhooks is disabled automatically

    The custom webhooks are disabled automatically if there was not a successful response from the destination for 24 hours. There is no notification when this has happened and to check this we need to go to the webhooks page and then manually enable it and re-send the ITR.
    There could be email notifications sent when the webhook is disabled.

    11 votes
  12. expose a unique, persistent identifier for an organisation

    While you're at it an identifier for individual users would be great too!

    9 votes
  13. Make addresses available in reponse of GET Organisation like you do with GET Contacts

    It would be great if the Organisation's addresses were available in the response message of GET Organisation, just like the addresses that are available in the response message of GET Contact.

    6 votes
  14. Automatic reconciliation of Payroll to General Ledger

    Sometimes clients amend a payrun but forget to replace the Bill Payable for that payrun in the GL.
    This can result in discrepancies between wages, PAYG, super (and other) and the GL reports.
    Would be nice to automate some of this checking, even highlight any months (or specific bills) that did not match payroil

    3 votes
  15. The ability to generate Quotes from within the Xero Web interface

    I would like to be able to create quotes from within the Xero Web interface for my customers which could then be converted into an invoice if the customer accepts the quote.

    Just like you can currently create purchase orders and convert them into bills once the goods have been received.

    3 votes
  16. direct debit facility/add-on

    direct debit facility/add-on

    1 vote
  17. be able to filter getAccounts depending on type of request

    Would be nice to only show those accounts that are valid for a particular purpose.e.g entering an Accounts Receivable invoice , entering an Accounts Payable invoice rather than listing all accounts. Filtering on a specific type maybe useful as well. e.g. Assets, Liabilities

    1 vote
  18. GET Organisation: expose 'line of business' field

    expose the 'line of business' field that is set in the organisation settings in Xero, to show the industry that organisation is in.

    0 votes
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