Support for Inventory Adjustments
Add support for the inventory adjustments in the API.
Currently you can effectively perform inventory adjustments via the API using invoices. See the tracked inventory guide for more info:
This request is to expose the specific inventory functionality in Xero via the API.

Anonymous commented
An endpoint which provides the inventory adjustments applied in xero would be very useful, these don't appear to come through as invoices or credit notes. The only place these appear as far as I can tell is on the history of the item itself, but calling the history endpoint for every item would be very slow.
Alex Bowers commented
To add a few details to this.
Currently, in Xero you can track inventory of an item, and you can get the current stock level of an item using the Items API.
However, you are not able to get the deltas of this using the modified-after header, since even if the stock changes (Via invoices, or adjustments), the Item UpdatedDateUTC is not modified, so you would have to fetch all items and compare within the system.
This effectively means that Xero cannot be considered a source of truth for inventory or stock management, and cannot be relied upon to have correct information.