be able to get customer balances via the API
for the purpose of knowing if a customer have overdue balances - so would need to return current balance and overdue amount.
You can now retrieve the outstanding and overdue amounts for individual contacts. See for more details on contact balances.
Anonymous commented
This added functionality only returns balances when requesting one customer at a time. Any chance of displaying balances when requesting multiple customers?
James McQ commented
Any update on this? When will this be rolled out?
Warren Strong commented
This suggestion should be un-marked as complete. The current implementation DOES NOT enable the functionality suggested in the request. The reports do not allow one to differentiate between outstanding and overdue balances; furthur more if you're just looking for the two final figures (which is what the request suggests - such as when viewing a contact in xero), you have to loop through the whole report which still doesnt provide ANYWAY to determine the overdue amounts. Only the total outstanding; so again; a pointless implementation for intergration. I had such high hopes for Xero; one of NZ's biggest brightest products however now my confidence has gone after many implementations such as this. I regret suggesting the soultion to my work; as now Im stick with a half-assed API.
Toby Griffin commented
If you want to be able to download balance data for all your customers at once with as few API calls as possible, I've posted my python method here:
Glen Houlihan commented
Any chance of a date when this can be expected?
nathfy commented
Timescales? or at least a comment on this xero? Moving from quickbooks to Xero but this is a major obstacle
Eaden commented
surely this is a pretty basic API requirement for accounting software?