Import bank statement lines via the API
Be able to import bank statement lines into a bank account in Xero. This would be useful for custom bank accounts or banks that do not have a direct feed into Xero

Edward commented
I developed an automated bank statement importer for a client (as many suggested in this thread) and I'm building an API on top of it, in the hopes it helps others. If you are interested in using it, let me know 👉
William B commented
Not being able to access bank statement lines makes the API completely useless in my opinion. That's the ONLY thing I need it for.
Galinos Giaglis commented
The least you can do - apart from being ashamed of yourselves for not having done that SO many years now - is act and finally release an API.
The PSD2 Open Banking is here a year now and you are not providing a most useful help for no apparent legitimate reason.
Andrew commented
If others haven't seen it Xero have announced a feature in HubDoc that will convert PDF bank statements to CSV -
This won't be of any use for us, and probably not for a lot of other people on this thread, but it may help some. Interestingly, if enough people use this feature and then get fed up having to manually import the CSV files, it could give fresh impetus for some way to automate that import process (either via the API as we would like, or even something simple like the ability to select multiple files when you're using the manual upload option!)
Andrew Gould commented
If you are not going to allow me access to the bank feeds api because i am not a financial institution then you need to get serious about your customers who use xero and are frustrated by your lack of any real genuine response to any bank feed issue. I have noticed by searching your forums that you never fix any bank feed issue. Is there no-one at xero with knowledge of how to query the database with a json and repair these issues. I am sure as in my case it is only a matter of setting the bank connection from active to inactive and ensuring that anything else such as connection is made available to be activated. I just want access so that I can attempt to do what you won't. By the way doesn't Xero even read these comments?
Mohamad EL-Bawab commented
We, too, the API will save us a ton of manual work formatting our e-commerce provider (Fast Spring) statement into a Xero-compliant format file to import into Xero before we can reconcile.
Richard King commented
This feature would greatly improve our internal processes and make running our business more efficient.
Honey Bee Cafe commented
Thread open for years. Over 2 Years since Xero responded! Happy to spend tens of thousands of adverts to get new customers. Happy to put prices up so we pay for those ads. Completely ignorant of what their actual customer base wants. It isnt even a difficult thing to implement lefts face it so no real excuse here! Come on Xero listen to what your existing customers WANT not what you think. Beginning to wish I had gone elsewhere...
Streem Connect commented
Can somebody please explain what the point of this API actually is? Not being able to access bank statement lines or import from alternative feeds makes the whole thing redundant. End of
Michael Lubbe commented
We would love if the bank statements will be available for our forrensic accounting app.
Anonymous commented
To sum up for those who are coming to this issue fresh. You currently cannot access the statement lines from the "Bank Statements" tab via their API. You can access some of the lines through other API end points, but not the whole list.
For context, this has been an issue since 2009. That's over a decade ago.
It has over 2,000 votes to be resolved, more votes than any other issue, combined.
Their competition, Sage, allows for it (
This leaves me to think that Xero have painted themselves into a corner with the contract they have signed with their banking data providers, and are not allowed to.
It's a real shame, and a huge black eye on a platform that otherwise is becoming an industry standard.
Daniele Ricci commented
Is it really required to say why having this API to automate the process would be better than having to do it manually?
Lance commented
This would be really nice to have, we currently have people doing this manually, I'd rather have them doing something more meaningful with their time.
Anonymous commented
We need this! It would be a game changer
Abitama Satria commented
(Edit: public bank statements API will be very useful for non-financial institute, eg. accounting firm)
I couldn't agree more with Mason Chase's and Anonymous's comment (from June 22, 2019). This API will help developers and, in turn, help every Xero user in speed up their reconciliation process. Not even mentioning they whose bank don't have a direct feed into Xero.
I know the pandemic is still there, but I hope you can come up with this soon enough.
José Alvarez commented
We really need this!
Faisal commented
It would be a best decision ever
Gerhardvr commented
Not having an API that we can utilise in the case where our financial institutions are not partnered with Xero, is crucial. Frankly, for Xero to assume that South African banks, for example, would like to integrate into Xero is the pinnacle of self grandeur. SA bank couldn't care less about Xero, since Xero doesn't really feature in the bigger scheme of things in South Africa.
We receive daily bank statements from our banks in various formats (SWIFT etc) and have the ability to process these files into a format that can manually be loaded into Xero. However, manually loading them into Xero is a useless exercise. We receive statement files from our banks every time a transaction goes through our bank account. We want to load the data into Xero as we receive the data. This simply cannot be done manually. The only option is an API which is not available.
Frankly, this is most probably going to cause us to seriously look at migrating away from Xero.
Looking at how many comments this thread has had since Jan 2021, I suggest you seriously review your stance on this point.
Anonymous commented
The sad irony about Open Banking is the removal of Irish banking institution feeds from Xero due to Brexit and the inability of the end user to utilise any API to plug the gap. This is wholly insufficient and we're currently looking at how to migrate away from Xero as we're exposed without any ability to move forward with either semi-automatic or fully automatic bank statement feed imports.
Anonymous commented