Allow access to POST/GET Bank Transfers through the API
According to the page, "This endpoint does not return payments applied to invoices or transfers between bank accounts".
While there is a separate API for payments to invoices, one doesn't exist for Bank Transfers. Please can it be added?
Stuart Kirkwood commented
The PUT/POST BankTransfers feature has been in Beta since the release on Feb 26, 2014. That is over a year and half. Please can you now finish BankTransfers by adding multi currency bank transfers.
I am currently displaying for users a list of currency bank transfers to enter manually in Xero because the API doesn't allow them to be added!
Robert Green commented
I see no option to add tracking in the API. Can that be an optional element?
Matt Houser commented
I am attempting to automate all transfers that occur between Stripe and my bank accounts.
So I need to be able to PUT/POST inter-bank transfers
@Mark - this hasn't been left out, we just have not built it yet. We are working on a bunch of other functionality right now, but our goal is to expose as much of the Xero application via the API as we can. Appreciate everyone's feedback and votes - remember a little info on your own specific use cases is always helpful to guide us when we do get into development.
Mark Eirich commented
We are trying to create all transactions via the API. I simply cannot fathom why this has been left out.
Matthew Steeples commented
Just found which links to this page and shows how to retrieve the BankTransfers details through the API, but would still be useful to POST and create new items.