Ability to configure the email (to, subject & message) when creating repeating invoices via the API
It's great to see that creating and deleting repeating invoices is now available in the API. However, there was one crucial thing that was missed: There is no ability to create/define the EMAIL MESSAGE that gets sent with the repeating invoice.
The documentation mentions “You can use the API to trigger the email of an approved repeating sales invoice out of Xero by setting the ApprovedForSending to true and the status to AUTHORISED.”
The API has the fields SendCopy, MarkAsSent and IncludePDF, but there is no ability to define the actual content of the email.
This has somehow been missed.
In addition, there is no “edit” function via the API, so to edit a repeating invoice via the API we need to delete the current one and create a new one.
If we do this, we need to be able to firstly retrieve the current email configuration (to, subject & message) and then post it back.
So the following fields need to be added to both GET and POST methods.
1. To (This is not always the same as the company default email set at the “contact” level. And sometimes we have inserted multiple addresses in there. So we need to be able to retrieve this field and post it back for the email).
2. Subject
3. Message
Once these fields are available, we'll be able to use the new API functionality to allow our app users to adjust repeating invoices, plus creating new ones, plus export from one Xero account and import into another. This will be great, but isn't yet workable until we can also define the email that will be sent with the repeating invoice.