Quotes via the API
Provide an API for the recently released quotes feature in Xero (http://help.xero.com/QuotesMain)

Hey Everyone,
Happy to announce that Quotes is now completed and live!
Check out docs here:
And related blog post here:
Andrew commented
Good that its in progress again. I would like this feature also
Philip Johns commented
Glad to hear it's back on track.
Anonymous commented
Update please
Xact Software commented
"Expect another update soon". Surely you can do better than that, perhaps make an actual commitment to provide an update monthly rather than leave the loyal community in the dark. I guess people who frequent this community are also your potential source for employing coders. Don't you want to convey the right image to those people and those who they speak with?
Anonymous commented
I'm really unclear about why you didn't just update us when the work went on hold in the first place. It would have take you 5 minutes, and you could have done it while sitting on the toilet.
Paul commented
Unbelievable that this is still not confirmed as to when it will be available. If you're working on it you must have a planned release date. This feature has been lacking for years now - how can you be serious about your business and not have this?
Tiffany commented
So looking forward to this as it will give us the ability to use this for pipeline forecasting.
Would you have any update in regards to timeframe as the above post was in April?
Thanks -
Anonymous commented
Would also like an update on this functionality. It'd be immensely helpful!
John commented
Any update please? This work started in April. 5 months with no update is really not good enough. Thanks.
John commented
Also looking for an update on progress with this as soon as possible. We saw a recent post that this was being worked on in July/August timeframe but nothing since then to indicate anything has happened... thanks.
Anonymous commented
Pinging again, since it's now September - nearly 6 months since your last update that work was underway. I find it hard to believe that this relatively simple API, which mirrors the Invoicing API you already have in place, takes 6 months or more to build, even for a part-time dev.
We've had bad news and false expectations set around this feature on and off for over 4.5 years now. Just tell us what's going on, even if it's bad news. Please.
Neil Day commented
You really need, at the very least, to let people know how this is progressing.
The lack of communication is not only incredibly frustrating, but it also has a very real effect on business decisions that need to be taken.
Please provide regular updates. If there are none, I will have to recommend to my clients that we look for a different solution.
Daniel Wilson commented
Any updates on this? Would be really helpful.
Reto commented
Any Updates here?
Anonymous commented
Pinging again, since it's now August.
We've had bad news and false expectations set around this feature on and off for over 4.5 years now. Just tell us what's going on, even if it's bad news. Please.
Stewart commented
Please update us. When will this functionality be available please. My company uses excel to create quotes (in the same format every time) that we want to be able to map and import to Xero.
Once it's in Xero it can then be used to create PO's for the tradesmen and invoices for the client.
Anonymous commented
I can't believe more quote functionality via API and standard reporting is not even on your roadmap when there are so many votes for it! At least create an export API and let someone else do it!
Seriously - get this done! -
Leo Gaggl commented
I can not believe this is not available via API. What on earth were you thinking???
Glad this is in progress. I hope this will be done soon!
Micah Gollan commented
C'mon guys. Lets smash this function out and let us all get onto finding the next function we wish xero had but doesn't. I could write this code in my sleep so I'm sure you guys could have it all done and dusted with 30 minutes. Just cause I can write it in my sleep does not mean it would in any way work, I can do lots of stuff in my sleep that I can't actually do irl. I digress. Please add this in for us asap.
Dave commented
Keen to see the quote functionality exposed to API. Please provide an update as we are going to be making some system topology decisions soon.