Create & update credit card type accounts
At the moment it is not possible to create or update an account in the chart of accounts that is of 'credit card' type - this request is to track progress on this feature.

We have released an update that allows credit card accounts to be created and updated via the API, as well as bank accounts.
Learn more here:
michele commented
Of course these is needed ! If you are feeding into Xero from a sub system - for example a booking system or an ePOS system this is critical
Anonymous commented
Would be very handy whereby you have a employer who still can not get the concept of "Business Use" Only thus been able to add 2 / 3 options to a cc account would be handy for when it comes also showing on the financial report his over use for personal reasons, along with perhaps also tracking if there are multiple additional card holders with own card number to able to identify with misuse / trends etc over a lock period / seasonal etc. and for chasing up which card holder has not provided record keeper / doc control / book keeper the receipt to go with the transaction
Adrian Pearson commented
Any progress on this guys?