Reconcile via the API
Be able to reconcile bank statement lines via the API.

Hi everyone,
Firstly, apologies – it’s obvious from the continuing comments that we declined this request too hastily and without the explanation it deserved.
We know that reconciling would be a valuable API feature, but reconciling requires fine grained access to bank statement data and unfortunately we’re not able to share that data via the API for commercial reasons.
At Xero we’re passionate about having an open API and providing small businesses with open access to their data. Unfortunately, many of the partners we rely on for statement data don’t share the same ideals.
Hopefully change is coming in the form of open banking. However, it will be a long time before we can openly share statement data via the API and provide a decent reconciliation experience to third-party apps. For that reason we will unfortunately leave this request as ‘declined’.
For the immediate future, we’re busy doing some really cool stuff to improve the in-product experience and automating bank rec as much as we can. We already have bank rules, auto-match, suggestions and cash coding but there’s lots more coming this year.
Again, we apologies for our lack of transparency on this thread. We do value the feedback on UserVoice and have shipped features with over 3000 votes in the last 12 months. We definitely dropped the ball on this one though.
Russell Williams commented
Come month end, we have over 170 Xero Subscriptions that need to be reviewed and activity statement summaries created. Without an ability to confirm that the Xero Subscription has been reconciled for the month against all their bank feed this is impossible. So even if the full feed can't be sent through, can some information that will enable read only analytics access determine if all bank feed transactions have been actioned and reconciled for month end processing?
Graham Belmont commented
We need this - even a read-only version - so badly! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy can't you add this!!!
Duncan commented
How is this not available???
Abhay commented
Bank statement sync and this are very much needed.
Steve commented
reconciliation api would be brilliant
Rajesh Prasadh commented
Need an api through which i can keep my xero account updated with my transactions on a daily basis.
timothy ji commented
Can we provide the sync bank statement api first? we don't need get history, only need sync the new bank statement.
Richard Christian commented
What is happening here? All I want to do is allow my staff to see what payments have been received in the last day so they can release equipment. Very basic. But I go through paying the subscription and setting up the whole thing just to find that obvious and needed option is not available??
Alex Soul commented
Please add an option to view Uncoded Statement Lines. There is a report for it already - can we access this report over API?
hari salabashyan commented
Reconciliation via the API is critical business functionality. Please consider enabling this feature.
Nicolas Emmerich commented
Since we can't vote, consider this comment a vote.
Brendan Gooden commented
Reconciliation via the API is critical to our business operations. Please implement ASAP and listen to your customers!
Alex Soul commented
Hi, I need to be able to count how many transactions are still unreconciled and from how long ago. I need to ensure that our bookkeepers are doing a Great Job and there should not be any unreconciled transactions pending there for longer than X days. I am not able to keep checking this myself on a daily basis.... so, a basic API access to at least READ-ONLY would be highly beneficial for this checks
Jason commented
Is there perhaps a way to just initiate the reconciliation process and identify how many, if any, statement lines remain unreconciled?
Shane Russo commented
Can you please provide an update to this feature?
Reconciliation via the API is critical to my business. Without it I will need to look at alternate products to Xero.
August Stoyanov commented
There are no commercial reasons stopping you from providing data to custom connection apps. This is not sharing. We own the data and can do whatever we like with it. The bank provides us with the statement for free.
Greg Elliott commented
It looks like voting is closed so please add my vote to this.
One of my first tasks for the new year was to investigate and establish an API for the bank rec. We have a customer who pays each invoice individually (approx 500/mth and growing) and uses their own internally generated number as the bank ref. We built an automated process which extracts the invoice number matching the customer's payment ref. The final step was to automate matching on the bank rec via an API. Sadly it looks that won't be happening with Xero ☹️ -
August Stoyanov commented
Why is the documentation pointing to this issue here and then voting is closed? It is crazy not to have this feature, and even crazier to suggest that to provide it you need to give us access to "their data". It is our data, not theirs! We only need the data you are showing on the statement line anyway. Please reconsider! Or give us a believable explanation.
William B commented
what is the point of a 'bank feed' service that has an API, but you can't use the API to access the bank feed?!!!! this is totally pointless. I wasted a week trying to understand what the hell I am meant to use this for.
Joel Kallman commented
It's been almost a year since my last request and it looks like many others want this functionality. This is extremely valuable functionality for businesses and addon integrations.
Please provide a mechanism to read bank statements and reconcile over the API. If your agreements with certain banks are restricting your ability to offer this functionality, please offer it only for those banks that allow it. I'd gladly switch all of my businesses to those institutions if it meant we could automate this functionality.