Be able to email approved invoices via the API

Hi everyone,
The functionality to send sales invoices via email is now open to all apps.
Check out the docs here:
There’s more functionality we could add around emailing but I’m going to close this request. Please feel free to create new specific requests for any additional email functionality you’d like to see going forward.
Peter Riesz commented
Anonymous commented
Please add functionality to view invoice status i.e. whether customer has viewed it or not.
Ivan commented
please add this functionality
Tim commented
Yes this is a important feature. Can't this be a 'use at your own risk' type situation? or the organisation needs to ask special permission to have it enabled on their account?
Anonymous commented
we need this so we can send invoice to customers via the Xero Network from the API. So yes please!
Anonymous commented
please add this functionality
Sergey Erlikh commented
the issue was raised in 2011 and there are always other priorities :( this is annoying because customer voice should be addressed
Pete commented
How the heck is this not already happenning?! MYOB has this already!
Anonymous commented
Chris Knipe commented
Just in terms of your "work around," let's look a bit closer for a quick, once off purchase...
1 API call to create a contact, I need to do the call separately, as I need the clientID to generate an invoice
1 API call to generate the invoice for the contact, again, I need to do the call separately, in order to receive the invoice id from the API
1 API call to mark the invoice as paid
1 API call to request the actual PDF fileThat's 4 out of 1,000 API calls, just to do a simple thing as raising an invoice, and being able to email a PDF. Max, 250 invoices per day IF you don't do anything else via Xero's API.
We are *seriously* restricted by Xero's inability to automate processes such as emailing invoices. Frankly, we've put new business development 'on hold' due to these restrictions in our cloud based accounting software.
It's a serious issue.
In terms of emailing invoices, may I also suggest that you allow your clients to specify a SMTP relay, so that Xero can relay the emails through your customer's SMTP servers, instead of being sent from Xero's servers and creating MORE complexities with DKIM, SPF, and a whole bunch of other things. Just a thought.
Joseph McKnight commented
Please get this feature out!!
Jonathan Papworth commented
Another vote for this - written the code to post invoices to Xero from our internal business systems to reduce our admin overhead - but I now need to only allow admin to run this process because otherwise our customers won't receive a copy of the invoice... Another easy option to add - why not? are you trying to throttle businesses like mine because you are concerned over the load that we could put on your infrastructure? You could have a price upgrade for higher levels of automation if you wanted - or is this really a concern over your infrastructure handling the load? Will AWS fix this? Let's hope so :-)
Anonymous commented
Very much needed. As it was April when you predicted "at least six months" is it really still only in PLANNED stage?
Daveyon Mayne commented
How to expose the invoice url in the api? Im using the demo company and it's not showing in the api previewer.
Anonymous commented
please add this functionality
Sergey Erlikh commented
It limits your customers to create powerful integrations. It is not really clear why ideas with fewer votes have higher priorities.
Jeff commented
Wow, I'm a developer. You obviously already have the feature that actually sends the invoice in production on your system currently. So, really all the API transaction needs to do is authenticate and send an invoice number and flag field requesting the invoice be emailed to the contact email already associated with the invoice (and possibly the ability to override the email address.)
That is very simple and easy because most of the work is the actual sending of the invoice which is ALREADY IN PRODUCTION!
Very disappointing.
Andrew Moorcroft commented
Any updates?
Eduardo Felipe commented
Guys, guys, 5 years is not that long to add an API call for something that they already have the infrastructure to do, right? It's not as if we pay Xero any money do hire people to do these things, right?
Oh, wait. Nevermind.
Sumeet Ekbote commented
Why is this not already there :/