Expose which user connected the organization via OAuth
Currently, we have no idea which user connected via OAuth. In other platforms (QB for once), you get details (especially email) of the user, and can design behavior based on it. In Xero, we get all the data on the users (with the new email address field), but we don't which user connected. If this will be exposed, it will give the developers more tools to create a more specific experience for the users

OAuth2.0 is now available including OpenID Connect. This allows you to retrieve the basic profile information for the authorising user. Check out the details here: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/oauth2/sign-in
Tiago commented
Any update?
T Turner commented
Any news on OAuth2.0, timescales?
I really do not want to use 1.0a ... so I have been waiting for v2 from you guys ..
P.S we implemented Oauth2 at the block chain company I work at in 6 weeks guys ... complex but not that complex.
Anonymous commented
Do we have any duedate for it?
Jason commented
We need this for auditing purposes too. Also it is useful to display in the external app so the user can check which Xero user authorised the app to connect.
Anonymous commented
Any progress on this? It's been a year since Xero commented, indicating that it will be looked at.
José Alvarez commented
Gareth Oakley commented
This would also allow add-ons to have their own sets of roles/permissions based on user. Perhaps add another parameter to GET /users e.g. ?current=true or a /user endpoint similar to /organisation
Brian Cline commented
I don't understand why you wouldn't provider the user who has connected. This is pretty much an essential feature.
Here's my use case, we are attempting to use Xero as a way to make our client onboarding and application process much simpler. Where possible, we want to pull data from their Xero account and prefill our application so that they need to do very little manual data entry.
Ravisankar commented
Indeed, logged in user name must be provided
Martin Hlavac commented
+3 would be really nice with what credentials you logged in to Xero.
Jason Judge commented
+3 (is that a thing?)
We have an application where a Xero user will need to authorise multiple organisations, and in some cases the *same* organisation more than once, with different contexts. Without being able to show that user which Xero logins have been used to authorise which organisations, so they can choose an existing pair, it is more confusing for the user. They end up invalidating existing authorisations by accident because they have no list to refer to, causing a support headache.
Regan McEntyre commented
+3. It sucks making the user pick themselves out of a lineup just so we can use them as the actor in actions.
Ccelestial commented
+3 We also need this feature. We need to register the xero user's name and email address in our database so that we may have a list of users. This is to monitor the activities in xero api.
I think it will be great if you can provide the current authenticated user id in get users api response.
Rusty commented
+1 We developed an application for users to simplify process of filing expenses.
They just take a picture of their receipts, our platform recognizes place and total spent and once user tags a receipt with 'xero' tag it automatically generates Receipt element in their xero account and uploads a picture of the receipt.
It would be great if we knew the person's id who connected the app in this case we won't need user to select their account during the process of connecting the app to Xero.