Quotes via the API
Provide an API for the recently released quotes feature in Xero (http://help.xero.com/QuotesMain)

Hey Everyone,
Happy to announce that Quotes is now completed and live!
Check out docs here:
And related blog post here:
Anonymous commented
This is exciting and will have massive impact for our clients, any update on a release date?
Anonymous commented
Wow took 4 years since the first request for this feature but this is finally happening. Thank you xero. You may be the tortoise in the race to the top but at least you'll get there.
Anonymous commented
This is very exciting, and would make a huge impact for my client. We would like to use quotes with a ShipStation and SharpSpring integration. On the trello board, it still says "Cool Ideas Not Yet Planned", yet you said it is planned for early 2019, is that an old board?
Anonymous commented
Do we have an exact go-live date of this feature?
Thanks -
Daniel Williams commented
Looking forward to this - it will help us finish our our full financial integration with Procore.
Anonymous commented
@Xero Developer Ecosystem - Per your comment on Jan 17 that's fantastic news! We eagerly await this update.
Xact Software commented
| Work on new quotes endpoints is planned for early 2019.
Screen shot is taken for posterity :^)
Andy B commented
Reading the below, there seems to be a lot of interest for this API (ok, that was an understatement).
I don't understand how there's an API for Invoices, but not one for Quotes. It seems a little counter intuitive. I am assuming that due to the number of previous requests, technical complexity (API exists for other similar functions) and the time this has been an active thread, there must be certain business decisions overriding these requests.
XERO is a fantastic and very powerful tool, we love it. Understanding why this isn't planned would be super helpful.
Anonymous commented
This has caused serious implications for us. I don't understand why this is the most requested feature to add to the Xero API yet nothing has been done. Forcing us to use draft invoices as a workaround solution is not a solution. Our accounting team generates quotes sequentially and then outputs them as quote files sequentially with a quote prefix file name. Creating a draft invoice breaks this sequential nature. Furthermore it seems that when downloading the invoice for a draft invoice, it will download the default print layout for the invoice - not a quote - meaning that you can't have it laid out exactly the same way a quote would be laid out. We now have to develop an invoice layout that works for both quotes and invoices. We also have to 'fake' so that the draft invoice says the word 'quote' even though it's an invoice. Who sends out an invoice as a quote? I don't understand how you can release this API that breaks your own software functionality! We have invested a lot of development time to get our software licensing to work with Xero and we may end up productizing our solution - aka more money for you guys as they would be forced to use Xero as their accounting software if they want to use our solution - it would be very much appreciated if this could be addressed as a matter of high priority!
Anonymous commented
I have three customers (about 30 users) who I was beginning to recommend to Xero as a replacement for Sage because of the api. I'm so pleased I found this thread before committing them to a purchase and looking like a complete numpty. No thank you Xero, your lack of transparency is worrying to say the least, thank you to this forum for saving my blushes. Will take a look at some the other accounting packages recommended in this thread Quickbooks etc.
Dave commented
We're waiting for the quotes api. Until then we'll stick with our current sage solution which has a great API for quotes.
Wubz commented
Hi Not only do I need to extract Quotes, I would like to be able to invoice from it and have it reduced by the amount I have invoiced... so I can track burn down rate!!!
Regardt commented
We have built new costing software and we literally just need to post quotes to Xero to finish it off. Please Xero, throw us a bone here :)
Everyone who uses quotes commented
Well said Chad.
Come on Xero, let's hear a compelling reason why you're still refusing to do this coming up for 4 years after it was first requested... (please note: "other stuff" doesn't cut it any more, that worked a few years ago, not now)
Chad Thomas commented
Of all the items listed in UserVoice, this has the third most votes. The top two are planned/ completed. Everything else in planned and completed states pales in comparison (number of votes.)
This is obviously frustrating for long time customers asking for a small update. I can't imagine what the reason is for the lack of attention. Easy change to implement, substantial user votes... Seems like an obvious win that will benefit Xero with improved customer satisfaction/retention, and from reading through these comments, new customer acquisition.
I'm super happy with Xero, and I recommend it. I won't be making any threats of taking my tiny piece of business elsewhere. That said, please address this, the community has spoken loud and clear.
Jeff Wint commented
I would love to be able to send quotes through my crm, and this is api is holding up the process. Please release it.
Debbie commented
As a trans woman, this means a lot to me. I'm sick of the negative comments regarding my beard and hairy legs - this doesn't make me any less of a woman. If we come together and try hard enough, I know we can get urinals in women's toilets.
On a side note, I visited Shanes restaurant last Sunday for my 6pm table booking, only to find it was closed. I've received a £50 voucher for my troubles.
Scott commented
I've made this comment on this thread before but for anyone new >> they won't ever do this work. Not because it's too hard (it's not) but because if they do this they'll damage the revenue for parts of the developer community (that they appear to want to support more than their actual subscribers) who have written (very expensive) add-on products that get around the fact that this wasn't done in the first place. Bonkers.
Anonymous commented
I find it hard to believe this 3 year old request is a difficult one to offer. Nearly everyone is using some kind of CRM for managing sales funnels. Quoting is an essential part of this process. Xero you gained your massive market share by being customer focused and more nimble then the competition. Spend a couple of $ and get someone to sort this out.
Elias Costopoulos commented
Quotes could be retrieved and fed to the CRM (in our case, we use Solve360) creating automatically opportunities and forecast estimates. Without this functionality, we need to recreate the opportunities in the CRM. It transforms xero to being part of a multivendor ERP solution. Please reconsider your roadmap.