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Accounting API

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45 results found

  1. Extend Bank Transfer transactions API so that all fields available through Xero's UI are also supported through API

    Currently only 4 fields are supported through the API for Bank Transfers transactions – Amount, From Bank Account, To Bank Account & Date.

    It would be great if the remaining fields that are available via Xero's UI could also be supported in the API:
    API - namely:
    - From Account: Accounts Export Branch
    - To Account: Accounts Export Branch
    - Reference
    - 2 Amount fields (if From & To bank accounts are in different - currencies).

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  2. Schedule of Planned Payments

    The Schedule of Planned Payments shows a total of the bills in £ Sterling. However we pay some bills in Euros, the total needs to show in Euros for those invoices.

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  3. allow Xero-to-Xero connection to reconcile balances between connected companies.

    I'm new to the concept of connected companies, despite having about a dozen related companies all on Xero for several years. Until now, we've manually captured the invoices that get raised between the companies.

    Is there not a dashboard tool of some sort that could get added, so show the balance owing in one company vs the balance receivable in another, thus allowing easy confirmation that the balances reconcile and that all transactions have been considered by both parties?

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  4. fix bug - universal search for numbers ending in "00" eg "2300"

    when using the universal search, the search never finds invoices or bills ending in 00. For example search for invopice number "2300" this will return zero results. If the search is conducted from within the Sales search the invoice can be found.

    This issue also relates to Purchase orders and bills ending in 00

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  5. Shortcut to PO's

    I would love to have as short cut straight to Purchase orders from the main dashboard. :-)

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