Reconcile via the API
Be able to reconcile bank statement lines via the API.

Hi everyone,
Firstly, apologies – it’s obvious from the continuing comments that we declined this request too hastily and without the explanation it deserved.
We know that reconciling would be a valuable API feature, but reconciling requires fine grained access to bank statement data and unfortunately we’re not able to share that data via the API for commercial reasons.
At Xero we’re passionate about having an open API and providing small businesses with open access to their data. Unfortunately, many of the partners we rely on for statement data don’t share the same ideals.
Hopefully change is coming in the form of open banking. However, it will be a long time before we can openly share statement data via the API and provide a decent reconciliation experience to third-party apps. For that reason we will unfortunately leave this request as ‘declined’.
For the immediate future, we’re busy doing some really cool stuff to improve the in-product experience and automating bank rec as much as we can. We already have bank rules, auto-match, suggestions and cash coding but there’s lots more coming this year.
Again, we apologies for our lack of transparency on this thread. We do value the feedback on UserVoice and have shipped features with over 3000 votes in the last 12 months. We definitely dropped the ball on this one though.
Adam commented
Certainly want it, to help reconcile those stripe fees.
Doug Pickering commented
I am more interested in being able to bulk "unreconcile" transactions. If a facility existed to make this functionality to be able to be selected by account it would be really useful. In our case, PayPal transactions number thousands and loads have the incorrect tax code. This would really help to allow them to be recoded easily.
anonymous commented
Gabe commented
We use Stripe to process credit card payments. When Stripe transfers over the balance into our bank account, doing the reconciliation in Xero is complicated and time-consuming. We've used the API to create Spend Money transactions for the Stripe fees and then Bank Transfer transactions from our Stripe "bank account" to our Checking account. These transactions are not auto-reconciled and it's a manual and time-consuming process to reconcile them. I believe reconciling via API could solve that problem. Or creating a ToAccountIsReconciled and FromAccountIsReconciled parameter on the BankTransfer endpoing would solve that as well.
Anonymous commented
We would definitely use this feature. Xero developers, please re-consider this.
Anonymous commented
+1 we would definitely use this
Martin Thompson commented
You should do a survey! You would need to explain the benefits.
- This feature is a matter of " you don't know what you don't know" . If people really understood the value of this feature then everyone would be using it.
- This could potentially save businesses (consolidated) millions of hours of manually reconcilliations
- It would help eliminate human error and monotonous tasksThe other issue with this is that it it the partners and developers who want the feature , but if the end user understood the potential of automating reconcilliations and the time it would save.. then everybody would use it. Unfortunately for the value to be fully realised is a 2 step process:
1) the software or recon screens need to be developed ( for example matching credit card transactions and programmatically working out exchange variances )
2) The end user uses the addon to reduce the amount of manual reconcilliation / matching - and at the same time reduces human error.
Giorgos commented
Robert commented
+1. Let's get 'er done!
Chris Rutherfurd commented
The many comments in here seem to indicate that appetite is in reference to the number of developers wanting the feature, my reading of the Xero declined status is that while they understand it is desired they don't wish to add it at this point in time.
On one hand I can understand where they are coming from. The whole point of the API is to support integration with third party systems in order to feed data into Xero and pull it out again but it isn't, from my point of view, to replace the main user interface. If Xero took a feature such as the reconcile feature and made it available through the API basically everything that a user would be able to do through Xero they would be able to do through the API. Should that happen basically Xero would largely become a simple finance engine to be built into third party software.
I see the API as a very useful tool to allow developers such as myself to integrate business software into Xero so we can feed data (customers, invoices, bills, etc) into Xero so that our financial management is done well, and even to pull data back out of Xero (bills paid, invoices paid, etc) however I don't feel that the API should be used as a complete replacement for the UI as there are still a great number of things that a user may need to do through Xero for financial management tasks which should be done directly through Xero rather than being tied into third party software.
Andy Hunt commented
If this isn't on the roadmap, could we at least have the ability to automatically reconcile transactions with a matching bank rule? Here is the feature request for that: - either that facility, or this, would be a great improvement on having neither.
Anonymous commented
This is absolutely needed! The MAIN feature of Xero is bank syncing and reconciliation! It's very surprising it's not already in the API.
Aaron Angel commented
Please define appetite. Here is a suggestion with only 88 votes since February 2013, and it is tagged as started. Granted, you started it a year ago; but nonetheless, apparently it had enough votes. Here you have eight times as many votes and still decline it?
Ian Bishop-Laggett commented
Really would appreciate this feature just to allocate incoming payments against PPS invoice numbers. At our Podiatry practice we have 20-30 invoices a day where patients pay via Credit card. At the end of the day, the bank processes all card payments in one payment to the bank. To then reconcile this back to the invoices require laborious selection of all the right invoices for that day.
Anonymous commented
Xero: Hey users, if you want this feature go vote for it!
Users: We do!
Xero: Welp, I guess no one wants this even though they've been vocal that they do.
Users: We totally want this
Xero: If only someone had an appetite for this feature...
Users: Oh ffs...
Xero: Declining this feature until people want it!
Users: We voted, we commented, we want this feature!
Great job listening to user feedback guys. -_-
Phil commented
Really need this - the missing link in full automation... What could be more important than one of the most voted on issues?
"Stop chasing customers and automatically reconcile invoices with payments." - (GoCardless for Xero: Powered by Directli - GoCardless)
Haven't used Directli - how did they get around it?
Anonymous commented
I think we'd all like some more clarity on why this was not considered a priority when there is clearly customer demand. Is it an issue with how the code on Xero's end works? The ability to reconcile transactions with the API would save my organization hours per week.
Anonymous commented
This would indeed be a very necessary functionality!
Darryn Ten commented
5 years of voting with 714 votes and there's "no appetite"?
Come on guys, this is an extremely useful feature to enable.
Anonymous commented
Sounds like there's a lot of appetite from your users for this feature!
As it would mostly be larger organisations with thousands of invoices per year that would want this, why not just charge extra for it? I'd be very happy to pay extra for it!