Quotes via the API
Provide an API for the recently released quotes feature in Xero (http://help.xero.com/QuotesMain)

Hey Everyone,
Happy to announce that Quotes is now completed and live!
Check out docs here:
And related blog post here:
Bruce Griffin commented
Please can you add this, it's key for our automation.
Bryan Douglas-Henry commented
I've read the comments and am saddened by the lack of attention from Xero on this 'seemingly simple' piece of tech - that will add the WORLD of difference to our automation.
When you build it, please include it in the Zapier API. Thanks :)
Maj commented
Please for all that is mercy add quotes to the api. We will need to go with another app if not!
Scott commented
Jonathan Moore commented
Given that there are some big gaps in Xero's Quote functionality, opening up the Quote API is an *absolute* necessity.
We need to be able to rely on Xero for the entire workflow from Quote to Invoice and without access to the Quote API we can't.
PLEASE do something about it... however it looks like its been on the radar for 3 years now! -
Xact Software commented
Don't hold your breath fellow brethren, it has been "under review" since 2016.
;-) -
Abel Buko commented
PLEASE!!! Need this so badly!
Mike commented
Really need this feature! Would like to have a quote list in Klipfolio.
Anonymous commented
We really need this feature ASAP. My ONLY reason to move to Xero was the API level integration that it had promised. Missing this ability is a serious setback.
Anthony Shaffer commented
I just ran into this... so you want to use Zapier as part of workflow to automatically generate a quote automatically, you can't... I went with Xero EXACTLY to enable these kinds of workflows...and the lack of any action for 2 years on this issue is a little concerning as a new Xero customer...
Max Reynolds commented
Please add quotes!
Richard Smith commented
Really really need access to quotes via API.
Brendon Stevens commented
It would be bloody handy.
Ethan Lessiter commented
X1000 please!
Vincent commented
Do you have any update regarding the quotes in the API ? I would need to read them at least.
Alan McGill commented
I have three companies using Xero and Act is an important part of my operation.
please give this matter of being able to create Quotes some priority. -
Anonymous commented
Under Review with the Admin comment in September 2016 of; "reassess the priority of this in the New Year".
So it is almost November 2017 - any updates? -
Paul Arcoleo commented
Very critical need for this.
Anonymous commented
Hi Guys, your last post is one year older, so include quote api. Our clients need this.
Anonymous commented
Hi Guys, It would be amazing to be able to create quotes on Xero via 3rd party. I would love to interface it with a all my clients CRM to move them on to Xero.