Reconcile via the API
Be able to reconcile bank statement lines via the API.

Hi everyone,
Firstly, apologies – it’s obvious from the continuing comments that we declined this request too hastily and without the explanation it deserved.
We know that reconciling would be a valuable API feature, but reconciling requires fine grained access to bank statement data and unfortunately we’re not able to share that data via the API for commercial reasons.
At Xero we’re passionate about having an open API and providing small businesses with open access to their data. Unfortunately, many of the partners we rely on for statement data don’t share the same ideals.
Hopefully change is coming in the form of open banking. However, it will be a long time before we can openly share statement data via the API and provide a decent reconciliation experience to third-party apps. For that reason we will unfortunately leave this request as ‘declined’.
For the immediate future, we’re busy doing some really cool stuff to improve the in-product experience and automating bank rec as much as we can. We already have bank rules, auto-match, suggestions and cash coding but there’s lots more coming this year.
Again, we apologies for our lack of transparency on this thread. We do value the feedback on UserVoice and have shipped features with over 3000 votes in the last 12 months. We definitely dropped the ball on this one though.
Anonymous commented
Add votes from me. We pay bills for our clients and it would be great to reconcile them once the checks actually hit the bank account.
James commented
Another couple of votes from me. We run some software to import Stripe transactions on behalf of clients and it would be great to then automatically reconcile them
Kim Richardson commented
We process direct deposits through an external payment source, we set a merchant reference and the bank posts the reference number. Would be great to be able to auto reconcile this via an API that can match up the payment.
Jacob G commented
The problem with the suggested solution is that you still can't match the specific invoices with the deposit. The clearing account is basically treated as a pool of money.
Anonymous commented
This feature is VERY important to our business. We receive lump deposits which are related to several clearing accounts. It is impossible for us to manually break down every deposit and determine the proportion associated with each clearing account. An API would be the only solution. I believe this would make Xero a very powerful tool.
Adam Law commented
This is very important to me even as a sole operator
Peter McCarroll commented
In addition, or as a substitute, we also need to be able to create payment batches through the API (groups of invoices/bills under a single Payment transaction in the bank ledger). This would alleviate a huge issue people are asking for here.
Ross Stanley commented
As a manufacturer who sells product to supermarkets, we experience high volumes of invoices and credit notes (over a hundred per week) which are covered by a single payment from the supermarket's head office (for the month). In these cases the UI provided by Xero for this task is totally inadequate.
What accounting software package are other manufacturers using that solves this problem?
Anonymous commented
Any updated on this as it seems the community really requires this feature?
We too have a use case where this missing feature prevents us from full integration into Xero.Can someone from Xero please comment or give any updates on this request?
James commented
What they said.
Ian Bishop-Laggett commented
Like many of the comments above, we have a front end that records invoices, payments and the allocation between the two. It is also possible to know to which statement line those payments belong. Credits cards appear on the bank statement as one line, but we know which payments make up that line and to be able to mark them as reconciled to that line would be great. It's a very manual task at the moment.
Anonymous commented
Hi there - we're developing an app at the moment that will receive hundreds of transactions per day, and there's no way that we'd be able to manually reconcile all of them. We've only just come up against this limitation in Xero and it's real show stopper.
Please API reconciliation would really help!
Anonymous commented
We currently import over a thousand lines from a paypal account a week. The largest account Xero has is 1000 reconciliation. So it seems to me that Xero is concerned about the number of transactions in their resources. With paypal I'd love to see the option of not importing every payment and fee - but rather every days total fee and received. The only problem with this is for money spent. I need all money spent imported. Doing this manually would make me very :-(
Craig Luke commented
We use your suspense account suggestion, and it's an absolute pain to reconcile large numbers of transactions. Please, please add reconciling to your API and reduce the time we have to spend manually reconciling things!
Andrew Smith commented
We have about 7,000 client invoices with matching bank lines (credit card and cheque account incoming amounts). This week Xero basically konked out, and we can no longer reconcile through the site. Support tells us that Xero is only designed for 500 transactions a month.
I'm not sure whether Reconciling via the API would work, but I can successfully retrieve invoices and bank transactions, so I can only assume that it would be possible.
It is a sad, sad day as we have to contemplate another accounting page that doesn't have Xero's limitations.
Josh Stuart commented
At least allow an auto reconciliation flag for any matching rules. We have 1000's of micro transactions each week to our Paypal account and right now it's a pain to manually approve in the bank feeds.
nick commented
we are making payments with reference numbers, and the invoices that they apply too. it would greatly help us if we could reconcile the data via the api. -
Anonymous commented
Yes please, full reconciliation is a killer otherwise as has been pointed out by other commentators here
Evan Williams commented
+1 for us here at Tradevine. We would love to be able to a.) Reconcile large batch PayNow payments against individual invoices and b.) just generally reconcile payments that match up to invoices with matching amounts and purchase references.
Rod commented
it will be great have this feature!