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Accounting API

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571 results found

  1. report

    I would like the Receivable Invoice Detail report exposed to the API, if possible. Right now I have to generate the report (with some custom settings) and export it in order to copy over sales data on specific SKUs to our custom system so we can do some analysis on those items. This is all a manual process, and it would be so much nicer to be able to automate it to run as a daily task that uses the API. Thanks for your help!

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  2. Program needs a advice notice once a PO has been approved so purchasing officer gets notified without having to login continuously to check

    Program needs a advice notice once a PO has been approved so purchasing officer gets notified without having to login continuously to check

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  3. 1 vote
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  4. Overpayment where filter doesn't seem to work

    I am trying to query overpayments by GUID with 'Where' filter and it doesn't seem to work.

    Where=OverpaymentID==GUID("d32...b4") -> does not return any
    Where=Status=="AUTHORISED" -> returns rows as expected
    .../Overpayments/d32...b4 -> returns as expected

    Is this a bug or I am doing something wrong?

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  5. include an API for retrieving updated inventory only

    Our developers are connecting to the Xero API to pull product quantities. Our orders from our websites, decrements the tracked inventory in Xero. We only want to update our website with products which have been updated in a 24 hour period.

    An API code which checks if an inventory item has been updated recently would be a great feature. This would assist online merchants who have thousands of products grab only relevant updates and avoids the limitations of Xero API calls.

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  6. add the "Source" field to your "Bank Transactions" endpoint

    It would be useful to see the Source of a bank transaction to tell if it was user generated, csv upload or from a bank feed. Currently it seems you can only access this via the Bank Statement Report.

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  7. reminders

    Include as part of the Invoice api, a reminders node listing the date/s reminders have been sent, rather than expanding the separate InvoiceReminders request.

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  8. "Permit Number" field for Singapore-based Entity expose via API

    We will need that field to integrate with our external CRM system.

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  9. fix bug - universal search for numbers ending in "00" eg "2300"

    when using the universal search, the search never finds invoices or bills ending in 00. For example search for invopice number "2300" this will return zero results. If the search is conducted from within the Sales search the invoice can be found.

    This issue also relates to Purchase orders and bills ending in 00

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  10. 1 vote
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  11. Items Endpoint API response

    I would like to have the value of "Quantity on Order" field while making GET request to items.

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  12. amend the account transactions report

    include the proper payment or sales description inputted. The report currently shows the supplier / customer in the description column and doesn't pull through the actual description e.g. flight for programme manager to attend conference.
    I need separate columns for the description I entered and for the supplier /customer for donor reporting and I currently have to mess around with several different reports to put the information together for our donor.

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  13. AccountID to come across with Payments when getting Invoices from Xero API.

    Hi there,

    At most when I am doing a GET for Invoice details; the payment details that come across do not have the AccountID

    This is the maximum amount of information I am ever getting from a Payment on an Invoice

    PaymentID => 22974891-3689-4694-9ee7-fd2ba917af55
    Date => 2017-10-18T00:00:00
    Amount => 148.50
    Reference => Chq 409

    But if I do a Get on the Payment ID I can grab the full details;

    Can we get the AccountID to appear within the Payments array of a GET Invoice request?


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  14. Memorized Reports access through API

    Customised reports (Memorised reports templates/Save Report templates) created in XERO account should be available through API Call.

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  15. fix the Balance Sheet report via the API to support periods and timeframe

    You have recently completed "fix the Profit and Loss report via the API to support periods and timeframe", but not for Balance Sheet.

    This means can't do weekly cashflow reporting as balance sheet items are end of the month only which defeats the purpose of the P&L fix as need to balance this across to the balance sheet.

    Should be able to do as at any date.

    BUT can do this report via the Xero Reports in Xero. Needs to be consistent.

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  16. allow Xero-to-Xero connection to reconcile balances between connected companies.

    I'm new to the concept of connected companies, despite having about a dozen related companies all on Xero for several years. Until now, we've manually captured the invoices that get raised between the companies.

    Is there not a dashboard tool of some sort that could get added, so show the balance owing in one company vs the balance receivable in another, thus allowing easy confirmation that the balances reconcile and that all transactions have been considered by both parties?

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  17. Allow XML file types to be uploaded as attachments to invoices

    We have electronic invoicing in Costa Rica and a legal requirement involves creating a xml file and sending it to the customer. It would be great if we could upload this xml file as xml rather than a txt to the actual invoice as reference in case the user wants to send the invoice with the xml included to their customer.

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  18. supply non .net date format via API

    I understand that you are using the Microsoft .NET JSON date format internally but would it be possible for you to return a more agnostic version of the date in a seperate field e.g. UpdatedDateUTCAlt?

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  19. Schedule of Planned Payments

    The Schedule of Planned Payments shows a total of the bills in £ Sterling. However we pay some bills in Euros, the total needs to show in Euros for those invoices.

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  20. Add assign purchases field to the bottom of sales /invoicing screen - this option is available in purchases but not sales.

    Add "Assign purchases" field to the bottom of sales /invoicing screen - this option is available in purchases but not sales.
    We assign expenses to customers while invoicing - If we have multiple trades it would make life easier if at the bottom of the sales invoice scsreen i could assign billable expenses here.

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