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Accounting API

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  1. Send Remittance Advice via API

    I would love to be able to send a remittance advice via API. There are a couple of scenarios where this is would be useful:
    1. Monitoring the bank feed for reconciled payments and sending the Remittance ass appropriate
    2. Generating a payment file from a list of invoices that are being paid and sending the remittance as appropriate

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  2. Add an API endpoint for starting and stopping project timers, and getting the current time

    There are currently endpoints for adding time logging to Xero, but not for interacting with the running timers.

    It would be really helpful to be able to do this, so that I (and others) could have external tools (in my case a StreamDeck) able to start and stop timers.

    I would also like to be able to request information on what the timer is currently on in order to get live feedback.

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  3. Increase the number of uncertified apps you can link to Xero, 2 is very limiting!

    We aren't able to connect a 3rd party uncertified app due to already being at the limit of 2. This poses quite an issue for us!

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  4. add the option to send a idempotency key with requests to update or change resources

    For example any network, process issues etc may cause a request to create an invoice (or other resource) to occur, but the response to never be recorded. Potentially causing the process to retry this action.

    One way is to add a idempotency key which Stripe for example does nicely here:

    Another way would be to have a non consumer facing external ID, for both the resource and lineitems that can be set by the application and then check for its existence later. Or allow the application to set the UUIDs for these resources

    For something as accurate as accounting,…

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  5. Add an 'IN' operator to WHERE filter, to use a list

    I've previously used ODATA when filtering requests - e.g. MYOB.

    It provides an 'IN' operator for the filter, so you can request using a list of items.

    e.g. ?where=Code IN ('1234','1245','1236','1237','1238')

    Obviously, this translates directly to the common SQL clause - WHERE column_name IN (value1, value2, vlaue3, etc)

    Thus avoiding the need for multiple request, or paging an ALL accounts request and then filtering locally.

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  6. allow filtering in reports at the group level

    A U.S. nonprofit's statement of activities groups expenses by activity, not by account. It would be helpful to be able to add an account to a blank report more than once so the account can appear under different groups, and to be able to apply a filter to each group by one or more tracking categories. This would allow us to create a report using the Blank Report template that mimics the statement of activities.

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  7. API access to product attachments

    The API doesn't currently offer access to product attachments. This would be useful in our case.

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  8. Reconciliation search box to allow multiple search words separated by commas

    Many people want the bank reconciliation api feature but since Xero wont do that, here are 2 ideas for helping some people reconcile invoices

    1. Allow multiple search words in the search box
      We have clients who pay 50+ invoices all in one batch. They give us a statement in pdf and csv but we have no way to enter that into the xero search except for 1 at a time. Allow us to make a list of invoice ids as a comma separated string and copy paste that into the search box

    2. Next to the search box, add an upload…

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  9. "Bank Name"

    Please add "Bank Name" field to "Accounts" API. Currently, this API provides only Account details.

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  10. Practice Manager - Job priority update via API

    Include priority as a field in job GET response.

    Include the ability to update the job priority.

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  11. Pay Items API - allow access to the 'Display Name' field

    It would be great to be able to read the Display Name of the Pay Item.
    Also to be able to set the Display Name when creating a new Pay Item.

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  12. Adding first attachment or removing last attachment to an invoice should trigger the invoice webhook

    Currently if you add an attachment to the invoice where none existed before, the invoice webhook is not fired, even though invoice.hasAttachments is changed to be true.

    Same for if you remove the last attachment on an invoice, this should trigger the invoice webhook as the hasAttachments is now false.

    Currently to get an invoice attachment you need to make a call to the attachment endpiont for a specific entity id, then you need to make a call to the download end point for each found attachment.

    We need an efficient way to be notified of weather there is an…

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  13. Get list of attachment details by array of invoice IDs

    Currently to get an invoice attachment you need to make a call to the attachment endpiont for a specific entity id, then you need to make a call to the download end point for each found attachment.

    We need an efficient way to be notified of weather there is an attachment or not, othewise we will quickly hit our api quote just looking up attachments on invoices.

    Would be great if we could request all attachment details objects for an array of invoices to reduce the number of calls we need to make in order to find attachment details for…

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  14. Support payment of non-base-currency bill from non-base-currency account

    Currently you can only create a payment for bill if

    1. the bill or the bank account is the same as the organisation base currency, or
    2. the bill and the bank account is the same currency.

    Please add support for the case where the bill and bank account have different currencies, neither of which is the organisation base currency.

    I get the following validation error through the API when attempting this:
    "The invoice, payment and organisation base currencies are all different. Xero cannot currently handle a 3-currency transaction."


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  15. provide richer data on your Balance Sheet Report (Report by Outlet/ Location)

    The API does not return the location of the asset where it is tagged to currently

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  16. the API 2.0/Invoices needs to return the Project information

    when I get an invoice by API (/2.0/Invoices), I have to get the project information.

    is there any way to get it by API????


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  17. API support for deleting Prepayments and Overpayments

    API support to delete/void prepayments and overpayments will add benefit to keep our system in sync with Xero without the need for manual intervention.

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  18. Journals updated with "Find and recode" are never retrieved by the API

    When using the If-Modified-Since header, journals updated via "find and recode" are never retrieved.

    There are two main issues with this:

    There is no way via the API to know when journals have been modified, so we're reporting numbers which don't reflect the GL.

    In order to resolve the issue, we need to reload all transactions since the earliest created date of the recoded journal. This could be hundreds of thousands of journals.

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  19. Set up notification when customer uses Contact Merchant / Ask a Question button on online invoice where invoice generated by API

    Where an invoice is created via API and the customer uses the Contact Merchant button and Ask a Question form found in the online invoice emailed to them, no user in the organisation is notified by email (as the creator user is 'System Generated').

    There needs to be a way either to disable or remove the button, or specify an existing user or email address to be notified in these instances.

    At present, a note is created attached to the invoice but users in the organisation are not made aware of its presence, leaving the customer frustrated their message has…

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  20. Allow zero value invoices to be updated via the API

    Currently they are unable to be updated as they are automatically marked as "paid". However, updates are allowed for these invoices via the Dashboard, so I would expect the same behavior via the API.

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