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Accounting API

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574 results found

  1. add line item ids to receipts/expense claims (and credit notes) on GET and POST successful responses

    as with the similar suggestion for manual journals, this would make it possible to keep data in sync between Xero and other systems. Without this ID, if anything so much as the status or one letter in the description changes, there's no way to truly verify you have all the correct lineitems without dumping them all and injecting them again from scratch. yes there are some workarounds, but they all have failure points somewhere without these IDs.

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  2. Connect multiple Shopify store feeds from one organisation

    Lots of business have multiple Shopify stores, buy at present we can only use one feed from one shop.
    This means we still have to manually input data from one store and can't upscale using the system.
    I am sure there are many other retailers with a similar problem.

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  3. Provide Non-Crippled Access to Invoice URL via the API

    After waiting for years for the ability to access the Invoice URL via the API, it was unfortunately provided in a completely crippled manner.

    What should have happened is that the Invoice URL simply be provided along with the rest of the Invoice data through the paging API.

    Instead, it is provided on a per-invoice basis, requiring the use of an API call for every URL retrieved. Given the shockingly small limit to API calls, this makes this non-workable.

    Your competition, QuickBooks Online, allows 500 calls per MINUTE, compared to Xero's 1000 per DAY. If you had their API limits…

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  4. Payments API HasAttachments

    Hi there,

    Currently, there is no way to determine via the API if a payment has an attachment. We are able to retrieve any attachments via using the BankTransactions endpoint (using the payment ID).

    For completeness, we need to be able to have the HasAttachment attribute accessible when returning a list of payments - the only way to do this currently is to retrieve the BankStatements/ID/Attachments endpoint for EVERY single payment - which is a pretty big use of resources.

    Alternatively (a breaking change) - can we either be able to retrieve Payments via the BankTransactions end point. Adding "HasAttachments"…

    5 votes
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  5. Add ability to delete a ContactGroup

    I can create a new ContactGroup through the API yet I cannot delete that group?

    The documentation states "The DELETE method is used to remove a contact from a contact group or remove all contacts from a contact group."

    Neither of which I want. I want to remove the entire ContactGroup from existing.

    6 votes
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  6. 2 votes
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  7. 2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Files API  ·  Admin →
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  8. New Feature - Contacts Reform

    • Contacts/Project Dashboard - The Contacts page could be improved with a dashboard of all relevant data for that Contact such as the P&L for the client and their projects. I would also like to see a Statement feature detailing all invoices and payments in journal display i.e. account debits and credits, filtered either by Contact and/or Projects.

    • Sales Pipeline – A New Leads/Tenders/Quotes feature would allow the Sales team to add details for new clients and projects. Unsuccessful New Leads could be demoted to Old Bids which would keep the contact, bid and project details on the system.…

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  9. Add ability to delete Attachments

    Using an A/R Invoice as an example, at the moment you can upload a new attachment, retrieve a list of attachments and download attachments. I would like to have the ability to delete an attachment - for example you might have uploaded the wrong attachment, but you need to login to the main Xero website to be able to delete the attachment.

    6 votes
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  10. contacts

    I'd like to see each contact have their own email AND phone number, plus a note section i.e accounts/ workshop

    Also, at the moment, the second contact must have an email - I'd like to be able to add a contact with as many or as little fields filled out e.g Sometimes all I need to add is another name with no email or phone number

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  11. Expose reversal information in Journal endpoint

    Problem: if a Journal is reversed, Journal.SourceId may point to an invoice whose LineItems do not correspond to JournalLines.

    Proposed Solution: If a Journal is a reversal, expose the number of reversed journal via API, e.g.


    When it is useful: in the simplest scenario, when Invoice's LineItem is edited, the original Journal corresponding to the Invoice is reverted and new one is created. We end up with three Journals: Journal1 and Journal2 cancel each other, Journal3 reflects (the new version of) the invoice. Unfortunately, all three Journals have SourceID pointing to the (now modified) invoice. Consequently,…

    22 votes
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  12. Increase the limit of API calls

    It would be great if the limit of API calls is increased. That way we can make more requests to Xero and not have the connection destabilise. This affects our customer experience as our customers ask us always

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  13. Add label to the Url feature of Invoice and Bill

    Please add a label option so it does not show the label of the api. We use this to link invoices to bills and bills to invoices as they are related for our business.

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  14. Prevent me from adding new contacts so easily from the "Add Bill" (and similar) screens.

    I have batches of 20 or more bills to add at once.
    I want to do them quickly.
    I know the supplier name is already in Xero and that autolookup will find the name if I just type the first 3 letters.
    But alas! I hit the TAB key before the autolookup feature has worked, and now I've created a new supplier called Ral, or Mad, or Win, or Upg, or...
    Please fix this, it drives me mad.

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  15. Identify which Bills are associated which which task

    When you associate a line item with a task, it is then an expense on that task. It would be useful to be able to query the task to retrieve information about the expenses.
    You will then be able to get an end to end of bill coming in to invoice going out charging for that bill.

    6 votes
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  16. Purchase Order (where) filter

    It is essential for our product to be able to filter Purchase Order by Contact, just like the Invoice end-point;
    Furthermore, having a symmetrical capabilities in "major" end points is a believe important to have -

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  17. Save Bank Statements in xero

    It would be great if there were somewhere within each of the Bank Accounts where we could upload/scan and store Bank Statements within xero as auditors need to see these regardless of whether we say that the account is reconciled.

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  18. Expose more invoice reminder settings

    The only invoice reminder setting exposed via the API is whether reminders are enabled for the organisation.

    This request is to expose more invoice reminder settings (e.g. rules, templates). Please let us know in the comments which settings you'd like exposed and whether you'd like to update them as well as retrieve them.

    51 votes
    15 comments  ·  Invoices  ·  Admin →
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  19. Include account number on customer invoice report

    Allowing the Customer Invoice Report to have an Account Number Field as more and more accountants use customer numbers rather than the customer name.

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  20. Online ERP Software

    Gain ERP offers enterprise class Accounting, Billing, Inventory and SaaS model services for the SMB market. The team leverages open source technologies and Google Cloud Technologies to lower project costs and strengthen the customers business.

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