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574 results found

  1. Support for Batching Manual Journal Updating by IDs in the Xero API

    We are requesting a new feature in the Xero API to support batch updating of Manual Journals by IDs in a single API request. Currently, the lack of this capability presents significant limitations for high-volume organizations that need to update arbitrary subsets of journals efficiently. They can batch insert new transactions, but they are very limited when it comes to batch update.

    Current Challenges:

    1. Arbitrary Subset Retrieval:
      • Our use case involves retrieving a specific subset of Manual Journals by their IDs, as requested by our clients. Without batch retrieval, we are required to make individual API calls for each journal…
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  2. Allow support for html content in the line items description via API.

    When invoices are sent to XERO from ProWorkflow, the html characters are showing on the invoices as tags rather than getting rendered properly. Some of our customers who use ProWorkflow and XERO heavily also use the html content in their line item descriptions which obviously causes issues for them as the invoice doesn?t look the same anymore.

    I was wondering whether you guys had any thoughts or plans on how we can send html content in the line items over to XERO without stripping all the html characters and get them displayed properly in XERO?

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  3. External Id fields on Contacts, Invoices and Purchase Orders (or URLs for all)

    I have spent the past couple of weeks building a pretty hefty integration for a client to integrate their Salesforce platform with Xero.

    I have now hit an issue as the client wants to specify a String field to be pushed as the reference... This was not an issue with the Invoices as we used the URL field to define what Salesforce record needs to be updated form the API response.

    This would be a very good thing for developers to have a specific "External Id" field so clients can do what they like and we have one for ourselves!

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  4. Send Purchase Order Email to Suppliers via API

    Software I'm making for a client can create purchase orders, which is great - but it's unable to send it to clients, which it really needs to be able to do.

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  5. set "Offer auto pay" via the API

    When creating a repeating invoice via the API and setting "Approve for Sending" is it possible to send in a flag to also set "Offer Auto Pay" (stripe in our case) or at least have it turned on in the payment settings section?

    see this Stack Overflow post for more details

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  6. provide transactional support

    Allow for batch create/update/delete operations to multiple API endpoints within a single transaction.

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  7. Be able to specify the company required at login

    We are operating with multiple companies within a single Xero account. It would be more secure if we could pre-select a company rather than leaving it to the user to select one after they have logged on.
    In PHP we call
    $XeroOAuth->request('GET', $XeroOAuth->url('RequestToken', ''), $params);

    i.e. Can we include the company in the $params?

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  8. Provide API to retrieve Customer Invoice Reports

    We'd like the ability to retrieve customer reports (as data and in PDF format). We could attempt to re-assemble the reports ourselves but for consistency we'd like to be able to retrieve them directly from Xero.

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  9. Website URL in API feed

    Please include the Website URL in the API feed. Thanks.

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  10. Ability to charge a merchant fee surcharge for payment via Eway

    I would like to be able to add an additional 1.5% surcharge when people pay via credit card (eway)

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  11. 9 votes

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  12. deposit

    Create Batch Deposits -
    Does the API support this specific function? Is there a functional issue as to why this is not supported, or just never requested/not enough votes??
    Apologies if it is supported - I could not find it anywhere on developer pages etc.

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  13. Pass the PDF attachments when sending an invoice through the Xero to Xero network

    Currently when you send an invoice via the Xero to Xero network it does not pass a PDF copy of the invoice as an attachment.
    You have to download and re upload the PDF which takes away from teh benefits of sending through the Xero to Xero network

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  14. Allow Custom URL Schemes

    Currently the URL elements of various Xero resources appear to reject URLs that do not fit the http or https scheme. It would be very helpful if this barrier was removed.

    Both OS X and iOS are seeing an explosion of applications that implement custom URL schemes as a way to hook or callback.

    My personal use case is a custom built warehouse management system. Our established application is hosted on premises, with client runtimes on OS X and iOS. We're integrating as a private app to Xero and will be pushing in contacts, payables and sales. All of…

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  15. Fix Bug: Override TaxAmount in BankTransaction Endpoint

    Suggestion: Allow the overriding of the TaxAmount within the BankTransaction Endpoint. This currently works through the UI but not the API.

    Issue: Importing a 'Spend' BankTransaction using the API with an adjusted TaxAmount results in a Validation Error:
    [Message] => Tax amount 936.09 is incorrect for INPUT2 tax type, should be 187.22

    Works: Using the UI
    Doesn't Work: Using the API

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  16. Allow Invoice only users to use the API

    As seen on this link: , currently only standard users can use the API, however, this makes no sense for my use case, and this is probably the same for other people.

    Right now I'm trying to build an app that will automatically create invoices and email them to the contacts, however, I do not want to connect a standard full user to my application, as the returned access token will have full access to all my banking account statements whereas all I need I to create a Sales Invoice, which could be done with a "Sales Invoice only"…

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  17. Ability to configure the email (to, subject & message) when creating repeating invoices via the API

    It's great to see that creating and deleting repeating invoices is now available in the API. However, there was one crucial thing that was missed: There is no ability to create/define the EMAIL MESSAGE that gets sent with the repeating invoice.

    The documentation mentions “You can use the API to trigger the email of an approved repeating sales invoice out of Xero by setting the ApprovedForSending to true and the status to AUTHORISED.”

    The API has the fields SendCopy, MarkAsSent and IncludePDF, but there is no ability to define the actual content of the email.

    This has somehow been missed.

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  18. Provide a start and end date for budgets in the "Get Budgets" operation

    We are currently implementing a feature where we bring in divisional budgets.

    The companies we import into our product have data for a specific date range and we wish to filter out budgets for selection that do not have a date range that overlaps with the rest of the company data.

    Without the ability to do this our users will have to pick from any budget that is filtered by a tracking category option and if they choose one that doesn't overlap we will have to either

    • not connect the invalid budget in the first place and provide feedback as…
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  19. Update Prepayments and Overpayments via API

    We can currently create Prepayment Invoices using the Bank Transaction endpoint (all of this also post applies to Overpayment Invoices too). This returns a list of information about the created bank transactions including Prepayment (or Overpayment) IDs.

    The Invoice Number is autogenerated by Xero, and we're only able to change it using the UI.

    There are are Prepayment and Overpayment endpoints in the API, but these only allow us to GET one (or multiple) invoices, and PUT allocations for an invoice.

    It would be great to see either:

    1. A POST method on the Prepayment and Overpayment endpoints (this would allow…
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  20. GET invoices endpoint returns tracking option ids

    I would like for the GET Invoices endpoint to return tracking option Ids on line items, for example: GET

    Tracking options are returned when getting a single invoice, for example: GET

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