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  1. Give detailed validation responses

    When adding Customers response with what Name is a duplicate,
    With Email Addresses give the email address that failed validation, I have a list of +-20 valid email addresses but Xero seems to believe one or all are invalid

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  2. Add GET all or where employee_id= functionality to Paystubs

    It takes a lot of requests to get paystubs for a specific employee. Having the ability to get all or get where employee_id= would reduce the number of requests significantly.

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  3. Wrap Paystub element in Paystubs on GET

    Not having it wrapped in Paystubs seems inconsistent with the other endpoints. They are all wrapped even if they are passing an id, which indicates they are only returning one item.

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  4. Allow BankTransactions to import to Accounts with "Enable payments to this account" ticked

    Currently Bank Transactions can only be posted to accounts of Bank type. It would be great if they could be posted to any account that has the "Enable payments to this account" box ticked. For example a customer pays a deposit (prepayment) via electronic or online means - some users like to put this to a clearing account or undeposited funds before posting to the bank account.

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  5. Ability to store previous company names

    sometime if one person in the office is looking for a particular company by its previous name, this happens from time to time and the name has already been changed in WFM or Xero then you have to switch to Companies office to find out the new name.....

    if you had something similar to companies office where you could have a previous name list so that when you search, if you search an old name it will still bring up the client.

    also some of our clients use an alias as to avoid public actually knowing their real name, most…

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  6. lock a bank account once reconciled

    It is too easy to stuff up the bank reconciliation. There is no alert that the account has been reconciled when you are changing transactions. There should be a way to lock a bank once it has been reconciled.

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  7. Change back the layout of Contacts!!!

    At such a busy time of year, getting use to a new layout sucks!

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  8. Fix the Contact creation API to fail when PUT-ing a duplicate contact that has been archived

    Currently (Jan 2016, API 2.0) using the API to PUT a new contact fails when its email is in use by an existing contact - as would be expected.

    However, if the contact that has the duplicate is archived, the PUT will SUCCEED, returning a new contact ID and everything. However, the new contact will not actually be added. This can be done repeatedly, each time "generating" a new contact ID.

    Given this, there is no way to ensure that a given contact has been added via the API before attempting to, for example, create a new Invoice via the…

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  9. Have the Aged Receivables API actually match the report in Xero

    Just have the API produce the aging buckets like the report

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  10. Be able to print an overview of quotes and invoices

    If I want to print an overview of quotes and invoices, I have to "print screen" it would be great to have a print overview button

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  11. add an option BankSummary to include accounts with zero balances and no transactions

    When an account has a zero balance and no transactions for the specified time period in the Bank Summary Report, it is excluded from the returned data.

    The request is to provide an optional parameter, 'includeZeroBalances' or the like, that includes these accounts and displays them in the report with zero balances.

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  12. Make an option to view/print purchase and sales bills in the organisation's base currency

    Make an option to view/print purchase and sales bills in the organisation's base currency

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  13. Create Bank Transaction via API problem

    Hello. I use Xero API and I got the problem with bank transaction method.
    Does bank account should be "enablepaymentsto_account = true" for this or not?

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  14. Filter reconciliation to show only monies received

    When one is a bit behind on the reconciliations I think it would be useful to be able to filter the statement lines which need to be reconciled to show monies received only so that invoices can be quickly reconciled and overdue invoices sent off to clients. This would save trawling through pages of statement lines or searching payments in online banking then searching for that transaction among the reconciliation pages

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  15. Add a URL field to the PurchaseOrder object to bring it in line with Invoice.

    Add a URL field to the PurchaseOrder object to bring it in line with Invoice.

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  16. I want to store custom value on invoice and get the set that custom file value using API

    Hi I want to create on extra filed on Invoice and want to access that extra custom field should api and want to get and set that value of custom field using api.

    Waiting for your reply thank in advance.

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  17. Store application data against invoices, payments, credit notes, etc.

    Allow an extra field so that the application can store data with the invoice, credit note, purchase order, payment, etc.

    Other third party sites allow this in the form of an array, in Xero's case, this would be XML an data field or JSON data field.

    This will enable apps to quickly access data using their own pointers, or variables, etc.

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  18. Provide LineItemId on Invoice PUT

    Recently Xero started surfacing the LineItemId for Invoice line items. This is a great initiative. However, to take full advantage of the LineItemId GUID's, we need the ability to send our unique LineItemId's on a PUT.

    Assuming that we could to specify our LineItemId (and that it would be contained in the Xero Response) we would then have the certainty required to associate the Xero LineItemId response with our LineItemId's.

    This feature enhancement is critical as our invoices always have multiple LineItems, often with the same quantity and Amounts.

    We need a way to ensure we are able to match…

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  19. API to create a receipt programmatically

    Please API to create a receipt programmatically

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  20. Remove personally identifiable information from error messages for compliance

    API error responses in Xero contain a substantial sack of unnecessary XML which complicates compliance with data-privacy legislation (GDPR for example). Included in the error response is the original request XML. The original request will most likely contain personally indefinably information which means these messages require substantial filtering before being returned into logging systems or error notification infrastructure.

    In some cases the error message itself contains customer information i.e. <Message>The contact name Bob Smith is already assigned to another contact. The contact name must be unique across all active contacts.</Message>. Perhaps in these examples it would be better if…

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